Saturday, December 4, 2010

Viessmann Mono F Parts


"If Primatesta were alive, he would be sitting here"
Alexis Oliva (PRENSARED)

Attorney Carlos Gonella harshly questioned the role of institutions "with high representativity social "that were" accomplices "of military enforcement arm of state terrorism, including the Catholic Church and the Federal Court itself. "If they had complied with the oath to uphold the law to take over as judges, perhaps we would not be here," he scolded.

In continuation of the arguments of Attorney General Prosecutor in the trial of Jorge Rafael Videla and 30 other repressors for the shooting of 31 political pesos Córdoba in 1976, Attorney General Carlos Gonella harshly questioned the role of the judiciary and the Catholic Church during the military dictatorship, to establish "the complicity civil society, sectors with high social representation also had responsibility (...), de facto power that used by the military to state terrorism to move large sections of people of social life. "

When contextualizing and characterize the unfolded state terrorism during the military dictatorship, said:

"It was a difficult time, which sections of the youth see violence as a method of political struggle, but there were other sectors that do not, but who thought similarly. It was a complex era. But swept all the youths who believed in violence and others as well. Were eliminated. It was a totalitarian, destroy the other, charge a nickname and destroy. What happened with this case is an example. What need had to remove these people if they had them imprisoned in a penitentiary. Was to destroy these people to show they wanted to destroy a dissident group. This is no different from Nazism and Stalinism. "

regard to the liability of officials of the Federal Court at the time of the events, said

"This trial has been established how judges and justice officials have had an attitude then accomplice. A serious approach can not ignore the behavior they had. If they had complied with the oath to uphold the law as judges might assume we would not be here. They would have tried the first events of this slaughter but nothing had happened. You can now just tell the truth about what happened back then, because then hid. It is a legal paradox. Here it comes State terrorism, the way the state is phagocytosed the lives of 28 people who were at the disposal of justice and the Executive Branch, with the participation of individuals in charge of the executive branch as spurious and the complicity of officials of the Justice . (...) A witness in this case, Jerome Hector Lopez, was prosecuted for denouncing the torture he was subjected. (...) Eventually, he ended up using American Court of Human Rights, in an opinion on the case says: "State terrorism in Cordoba had the complicity of the judiciary, through the Federal Court No. 1, with Judge Adolfo Zamboni and Secretary Carlos Ledesma Alvarez Otero. " Not me, says the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. "

Regarding the Catholic Church, the prosecutor Gonella said:

"There was also complicity of church officials. (...) There are records in this case that (the then archbishop of Cordoba and head of the Argentine Bishops) Raúl Primatesta intervened to manage a relief to prisoners, which led to some may be visited at Christmas. But here also have said other things. Maria Cristina Tobares The witness, a refugee with UNHCR in Brazil, said Monsignor (Paulo Evaristo) Arns (Archbishop St. Paul's) was providing shelter, and he told them Primatesta asked about political refugees here and it complained that lending institutions of the Archdiocese of San Pablo to shelter rebels exiled in Argentina. Arns called them and told them that if they thought back to Cordoba did not because his life was in danger. (...) The book by journalist Horacio Verbitsky, The Left Hand of God, he quotes a sentence of 75 Primatesta on Christmas Eve, "God will defend its inception, will defend the man. The Left Hand of God is paternal, but can be heavy. " If not the 'left' Menéndez order to suppress 'and left' ... (...) If Primatesta were alive, he would be sitting here, I have no doubts. "

clearly referred to the dock. Cause


Then the prosecutor Gonella developed the prosecution of the case or Gontero Menéndez, which is investigating the kidnapping and torture of six policemen, and the brother of one of them accused of " infiltration "of the guerrilla organizations: Luis Alberto Urquiza, José María Arguello, Raul Urzagasti Matos, Carlos Arnaldo Zuñiga, Horace and Oscar Samamé, all survivors of the ordeal.

"The reason that led to these six victims to the ordeal of repression, was to be three of them university students. This gave rise to the nickname of subversives was being college students, "the prosecutor said.

After describing the circumstances ideological persecution and illegal detention and mistreatment to which they were subjected in the D2 by their own comrades in arms, led by accredited Gonella "responsible participation" of defendants.

also referred to the continuity within the police force of some of the repressive police forces, mainly the case of Carlos "Toucan" Yanicelli, who came to join the police high command of Cordoba: "State terrorism entered the democratic process in this case Cordoba, allowing those accused of crimes of limitations holding office in an institution to care for life and property of the people. "

He then referred to the sufferings endured by the complainant Luis Urquiza, when he denounced the former oppressors in 1997, with more Yanicelli commissioner and head of police intelligence. That gave her a rebuke to who was then Minister of Constitutional Affairs and now national deputy for the UCR, Oscar Aguad-defined in the leaked documents these days by Wikileaks as "center" -. "Aguad Urquiza told he would not create a drain on the police force. Even offered Urquiza home and work, so do not go. Wanted to buy his silence, which did not accept Urquiza (...) and had to exile in Denmark again, "said the prosecutor.


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