dictator returned to claim their crimes
On trial for the shooting of 31 political prisoners from the UP1, Jorge Rafael Videla spoke no regrets and said " the enemies of yesterday are now in power "and" try to establish a Marxist regime. " The sentences will be announced later.
by Waldo Cebrero
From Cordoba
"The enemies of yesterday are now in power and from it try to establish a Marxist regime, the Gramsci way that can be satisfied with his students, "said the dictator. Sitting in the front row of the defendants' bench, Jorge Videla offered the image of an elderly man blamed, his body bent over the years. In facing trial for six months and now comes to an end, I was dozing on the shoulder of Luciano Benjamin Menendez, also accused along with 28 other repressors. But when he spoke, as did yesterday before the Federal Court 1, the position his body became rigid and martial past, and her voice blossomed military and threatening tone with which he returned to claim the crimes of the dictatorship. Videla
for the fourth time since the process began on a day full of expectations for imminent sentence of the third trial for crimes against humanity in Cordoba. After a week of rest, the room was again close to hear the last words of the accused, whose keynote address was given by the main accused in the case. Predicated upon a lectern, facing the court extended his allegation Videla for 50 minutes. He spoke of "internal war", ignored the court on the ground that are not his "natural judge" and said the theory of two evils, to argue his version of recent history and justify the crimes of state terrorism. "The Constitution of the Republic mourns missing ", he said, to astonishment of those present.
As an audio modeled on the Trial of the Juntas, who just turned 25, Videla's voice repeated the same arguments he used on that occasion. As in this historic trial, also is expected to receive the maximum penalty.
Western and Christian
Since the dictator spoke for the first time at trial, he was careful to tell his version of recent history, trying to leave a message "to the future." This time was no exception: "I want to talk young people, who are manipulated by artful propaganda, which distorts our past, "said the repressor, you forgot to mention in his account of the history of systematic executions of political prisoners, illegal sites, stealing babies and succession economic crimes. "It was a dirty war Videla-repeated, but a just war that saved the country from 'the young idealists' who tried to impose an alien culture to our traditional lifestyle and Western Christian."
The dictator Videla also said that in February 1976 met the then incumbent Radical Civic Union, Ricardo Balbin, and during that meeting the leader asked if the military were to intervene "as soon as possible" to avoid "a long agony of the Republic." "Smart, M. Balbin was able to interpret my silence," he concluded, suggesting that Balbin was aware of what was coming.
The building where the trial takes place is nestled in the heart of university city of Cordoba. Much of those who attended the hearings were students, who listened to more than 80 survivors of the UP1 recount the cruelty that prevailed in jail since the military assumed control. That story also appeared unanimous that the military responsibilities in the crimes were shared by the Federal Justice officials, who had charge of the detainees, the Church and much of the political class of Cordoba.
Besides Videla, a dozen defendants made use of the right to the last word. As agreed between the defendants, Luciano Benjamin Menendez closed this morning following the round table prior to the sentencing court, around five in the afternoon. To participate in the final days of the trial, the lawyer came to Cordoba and Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, who is also one of the first plaintiffs in the case UP1, together with Dr. Maria Elba Martínez, representative of Serpaj in Cordoba. After listening to the accused, Pérez Esquivel said repudiated the dictator and recalled that "before the government annulled the laws of impunity, had to go international courts to seek justice. This trial concluded Videla-condemned-is emblematic worldwide. " This afternoon, when the court begins to read the sentences, it will close a process that began with the return to democracy and puts Jorge Rafael Videla in place that is dodging past 25 years.
On trial for the shooting of 31 political prisoners from the UP1, Jorge Rafael Videla spoke no regrets and said " the enemies of yesterday are now in power "and" try to establish a Marxist regime. " The sentences will be announced later.
by Waldo Cebrero
From Cordoba
"The enemies of yesterday are now in power and from it try to establish a Marxist regime, the Gramsci way that can be satisfied with his students, "said the dictator. Sitting in the front row of the defendants' bench, Jorge Videla offered the image of an elderly man blamed, his body bent over the years. In facing trial for six months and now comes to an end, I was dozing on the shoulder of Luciano Benjamin Menendez, also accused along with 28 other repressors. But when he spoke, as did yesterday before the Federal Court 1, the position his body became rigid and martial past, and her voice blossomed military and threatening tone with which he returned to claim the crimes of the dictatorship. Videla
for the fourth time since the process began on a day full of expectations for imminent sentence of the third trial for crimes against humanity in Cordoba. After a week of rest, the room was again close to hear the last words of the accused, whose keynote address was given by the main accused in the case. Predicated upon a lectern, facing the court extended his allegation Videla for 50 minutes. He spoke of "internal war", ignored the court on the ground that are not his "natural judge" and said the theory of two evils, to argue his version of recent history and justify the crimes of state terrorism. "The Constitution of the Republic mourns missing ", he said, to astonishment of those present.
As an audio modeled on the Trial of the Juntas, who just turned 25, Videla's voice repeated the same arguments he used on that occasion. As in this historic trial, also is expected to receive the maximum penalty.
Western and Christian
Since the dictator spoke for the first time at trial, he was careful to tell his version of recent history, trying to leave a message "to the future." This time was no exception: "I want to talk young people, who are manipulated by artful propaganda, which distorts our past, "said the repressor, you forgot to mention in his account of the history of systematic executions of political prisoners, illegal sites, stealing babies and succession economic crimes. "It was a dirty war Videla-repeated, but a just war that saved the country from 'the young idealists' who tried to impose an alien culture to our traditional lifestyle and Western Christian."
The dictator Videla also said that in February 1976 met the then incumbent Radical Civic Union, Ricardo Balbin, and during that meeting the leader asked if the military were to intervene "as soon as possible" to avoid "a long agony of the Republic." "Smart, M. Balbin was able to interpret my silence," he concluded, suggesting that Balbin was aware of what was coming.
The building where the trial takes place is nestled in the heart of university city of Cordoba. Much of those who attended the hearings were students, who listened to more than 80 survivors of the UP1 recount the cruelty that prevailed in jail since the military assumed control. That story also appeared unanimous that the military responsibilities in the crimes were shared by the Federal Justice officials, who had charge of the detainees, the Church and much of the political class of Cordoba.
Besides Videla, a dozen defendants made use of the right to the last word. As agreed between the defendants, Luciano Benjamin Menendez closed this morning following the round table prior to the sentencing court, around five in the afternoon. To participate in the final days of the trial, the lawyer came to Cordoba and Nobel Peace Prize Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, who is also one of the first plaintiffs in the case UP1, together with Dr. Maria Elba Martínez, representative of Serpaj in Cordoba. After listening to the accused, Pérez Esquivel said repudiated the dictator and recalled that "before the government annulled the laws of impunity, had to go international courts to seek justice. This trial concluded Videla-condemned-is emblematic worldwide. " This afternoon, when the court begins to read the sentences, it will close a process that began with the return to democracy and puts Jorge Rafael Videla in place that is dodging past 25 years.
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