23 convictions and acquittals 7 (?) On trial for the executions of political prisoners in the UP! Cordoba
Another Cordobazo for Menendez
Videla and Jorge Rafael Videla
, Luciano Benjamin Menendez and 21 other policemen and soldiers were sentenced yesterday by the Court Oral 1 of Cordoba and must serve their sentences in prison. Thousands of people gathered in front of court to celebrate.
By Martin Notarfrancesco
As a clock that stops every now and then the needles in that precise moment. It is time that a court read the sentence that condemns a systematic violator of human rights, a terrorist state, a genocidal he leaves, forever, his best mate, impunity. Yesterday clockwise history Córdoba popped up and stopped their march at 17.49, when Gavier Jaime Diaz, president of TOF 1, said in front of Jorge Rafael Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment and, in addition , the must meet in an ordinary prison. Luciano Benjamin Menendez and 21 other policemen and soldiers were also found guilty.
Sun December and Mediterranean warmth. The day started nicely. The intensity and temperature were rising from the hand of a thermometer touched 35 degrees. Just missing the last word of Menendez, who asked to close the round. The other 28 defendants were able to do on Tuesday. At 11 am started the last hearing of the trial. After the intervention of Cachorro (see page 4), the court went on to discuss, announcing that the verdict was read at five in the afternoon.
A mega-trial
The trial began on July 2 and was the first megacauses of Cordoba. The local history dating back to July 2008 and December 2009, when Menendez was sentenced to seven clandestine center torturers of La Perla and five former police officers of D2, respectively.
The trial that ended yesterday brought together two causes: the executions of 31 political prisoners from the Penitentiary Unit 1-UP1-who were killed between April and October 1976, and the file "Gontero" which clarified the torture five former police officers and the brother of one of them, the same year. In total, the dock was home to 31 accused (one was removed for health reasons). Were 63 hearings, 110 witnesses and 34 years of waiting. Over the years, the cause of the shooting of former political prisoners became the cause damn. Few were confident he could come to trial a case involving the Catholic Church and the same federal court, which was available to the majority of whom were gunned down.
Another part of this cause not entered in this trial. It is precisely the segment involving the judiciary at the time. Judges, prosecutors, public defenders and clerks allowed, with actions and omissions, it all happen. The process is presided by Judge Daniel Herrera Piedrabuena Rioja and is a bid, for now unresolved.
In yesterday's ruling, the court did orders balance between prosecution and lawsuits. Videla, Menendez and the chain of command received life sentences. Just as the hard core that operates at the provincial police D2. Overall satisfaction was climate. Could be many former prisoners merge in eternal embrace with his cellmates. It was the first sentence he received after Videla Trial of the Juntas.
The biggest surprise was in acquittals, seven in total. No one expected so much less than a fall on Osvaldo Cesar Quiroga, a Falklands veteran who in 1976 joined one of the sections II Airborne Infantry Regiment in Cordoba. In compliance of an order, the August 12, 1976 dropped to four detainees UP1. Took them tied together, blindfolded and on the floor of a truck. After an intermediate stop, shot Hugo Vaca Narvaja, Higinio Gustavo Toranzo and Breuil. The fourth was Edward De Breuil, brother Gustavo, who made him see bodies topped and returned him to jail. In his testimony recalled that the officer in charge of the operation was always the same. Quiroga seated left his signature and was responsible for rescuing these detainees. For this reason no one saw the acquittal and the prosecution and the complaints were dissatisfied at this point, which seems to suggest I raise before the Court of Appeals.
From three o'clock in the afternoon, social, political, youth, trade unions, street musicians and ordinary citizens went snuggling the federal courthouse. The call for human rights organizations met about a thousand people, estimated from the Federal Police. Shortly before five o'clock in the afternoon, opened the door for some to fill from entering the courtroom. The Nobel Peace Prize in 1980, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, the rector of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Carolina Scotto, Secretary of Human Rights of Argentina, Eduardo Luis Duhalde, and the mayor of Cordova, Daniel Giacomino, topped the audience of personalities present. The rest followed him through the speakers and displays on the sidewalk, sweating the sweat.
The court marked the discretion to revoke all house arrest and in cases of illness a medical board ordered diagnosed if the patient can serve their sentences in prison. This situation is Menendez, among others.
After 34 years Videla is careful to show up well. But perhaps somewhere in its interior with the past is returning. Now, to his cell.
Another Cordobazo for Menendez
Videla and Jorge Rafael Videla
, Luciano Benjamin Menendez and 21 other policemen and soldiers were sentenced yesterday by the Court Oral 1 of Cordoba and must serve their sentences in prison. Thousands of people gathered in front of court to celebrate.
By Martin Notarfrancesco
As a clock that stops every now and then the needles in that precise moment. It is time that a court read the sentence that condemns a systematic violator of human rights, a terrorist state, a genocidal he leaves, forever, his best mate, impunity. Yesterday clockwise history Córdoba popped up and stopped their march at 17.49, when Gavier Jaime Diaz, president of TOF 1, said in front of Jorge Rafael Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment and, in addition , the must meet in an ordinary prison. Luciano Benjamin Menendez and 21 other policemen and soldiers were also found guilty.
Sun December and Mediterranean warmth. The day started nicely. The intensity and temperature were rising from the hand of a thermometer touched 35 degrees. Just missing the last word of Menendez, who asked to close the round. The other 28 defendants were able to do on Tuesday. At 11 am started the last hearing of the trial. After the intervention of Cachorro (see page 4), the court went on to discuss, announcing that the verdict was read at five in the afternoon.
A mega-trial
The trial began on July 2 and was the first megacauses of Cordoba. The local history dating back to July 2008 and December 2009, when Menendez was sentenced to seven clandestine center torturers of La Perla and five former police officers of D2, respectively.
The trial that ended yesterday brought together two causes: the executions of 31 political prisoners from the Penitentiary Unit 1-UP1-who were killed between April and October 1976, and the file "Gontero" which clarified the torture five former police officers and the brother of one of them, the same year. In total, the dock was home to 31 accused (one was removed for health reasons). Were 63 hearings, 110 witnesses and 34 years of waiting. Over the years, the cause of the shooting of former political prisoners became the cause damn. Few were confident he could come to trial a case involving the Catholic Church and the same federal court, which was available to the majority of whom were gunned down.
Another part of this cause not entered in this trial. It is precisely the segment involving the judiciary at the time. Judges, prosecutors, public defenders and clerks allowed, with actions and omissions, it all happen. The process is presided by Judge Daniel Herrera Piedrabuena Rioja and is a bid, for now unresolved.
In yesterday's ruling, the court did orders balance between prosecution and lawsuits. Videla, Menendez and the chain of command received life sentences. Just as the hard core that operates at the provincial police D2. Overall satisfaction was climate. Could be many former prisoners merge in eternal embrace with his cellmates. It was the first sentence he received after Videla Trial of the Juntas.
The biggest surprise was in acquittals, seven in total. No one expected so much less than a fall on Osvaldo Cesar Quiroga, a Falklands veteran who in 1976 joined one of the sections II Airborne Infantry Regiment in Cordoba. In compliance of an order, the August 12, 1976 dropped to four detainees UP1. Took them tied together, blindfolded and on the floor of a truck. After an intermediate stop, shot Hugo Vaca Narvaja, Higinio Gustavo Toranzo and Breuil. The fourth was Edward De Breuil, brother Gustavo, who made him see bodies topped and returned him to jail. In his testimony recalled that the officer in charge of the operation was always the same. Quiroga seated left his signature and was responsible for rescuing these detainees. For this reason no one saw the acquittal and the prosecution and the complaints were dissatisfied at this point, which seems to suggest I raise before the Court of Appeals.
From three o'clock in the afternoon, social, political, youth, trade unions, street musicians and ordinary citizens went snuggling the federal courthouse. The call for human rights organizations met about a thousand people, estimated from the Federal Police. Shortly before five o'clock in the afternoon, opened the door for some to fill from entering the courtroom. The Nobel Peace Prize in 1980, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, the rector of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Carolina Scotto, Secretary of Human Rights of Argentina, Eduardo Luis Duhalde, and the mayor of Cordova, Daniel Giacomino, topped the audience of personalities present. The rest followed him through the speakers and displays on the sidewalk, sweating the sweat.
The court marked the discretion to revoke all house arrest and in cases of illness a medical board ordered diagnosed if the patient can serve their sentences in prison. This situation is Menendez, among others.
After 34 years Videla is careful to show up well. But perhaps somewhere in its interior with the past is returning. Now, to his cell.
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