also requested the following penalties for the other defendants:
Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raul Fierro, Jorge Pino González Navarro and Victor Cano: life imprisonment degradation and disqualification for the 14 murders and 15 years for Aggravated Tormentos imposition of
For Huber and Gustavo Emilio Alsina: life imprisonment because 9 (the death of René Moukarzel) and the reclassification of the crime of aggravated torture continued imposition of death by homicide with premeditation and cruelty.
Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz and Miguel Ángel Pérez, 15 years for aggravated torments imposed.
Pablo Osvaldo Quiroga and Francisco D'Aloia: life imprisonment for the murder of Hugo Vaca Narvaja, Gustavo De Breuil and H. Arnold Toranzo.
José Antonio Paredes and Carlos Ibarra Perez: 15 años por imposición de tormentos agravados.
Calixto Flores, Jamil Yabour, Lucero, Carlos Yanicelli, Molina, Miguel Angel Gómez y Rodríguez: los acusa como autores directos de homicidio y solicitó la pena de prisión perpetua.
Ricardo Rocha y Luna: absolución por el hecho cuarto.
En el marco de la causa Gontero, solicitó para Menéndez la pena de 25 años por privación ilegitima de la libertad, imposición de tormentos agravados y lesiones graves (subsumida a la pena mayor).
Hermes Rodriguez asked for a sentence of 15 years.
For Yamil Jabour, Miguel A. Gómez, Carlos Yanicelli, Calixto Flores, Mirta Anton, Gustavo Salgado, Fernando Rocha and Luis Lucero requested a sentence of 20 years for aggravated torture and unlawful deprivation of liberty
To José Eugenio San Julian, 10 years requested by the imposition of torture.
To Luis David Merlo, requested 10 years for unlawful deprivation of liberty.
After exposure of Martinez will be the turn of lawyers and Elvio Fresneda Martin Zanotti, and then made his plea of \u200b\u200bOroz and Lilly lawyers Claudio Luque.
Case of Elvio Zanotti
then began its case on lawyer Elvio Zanotti, representing the private complainant, together with Lilian Luque, the family of José Cristian Funes , another victim in the cause.
Funes, born in the city of Cordoba, was a steelworker, was active in the Communist Party and then Peronism. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt on June 30, 1976, the 24.
"In what is known as the great disobedience, San Martin refused to draw his sword against civilians. San Martin had much sympathy for the nineteenth century as Montoneros these defendants had her Montonero twentieth century. I am convinced that if St. Martin's would have tried, I would have shot.
Fortunately no death penalty, this is a constitutional court and San Martín died without shedding blood of his countrymen. "
" Some prisoners have said here that is subjected to trial soldiers of a victorious army . That is a mistake. Legal persons can not be brought to trial but individuals. It is not known the meaning of a pyrrhic victory. "
" The so-called liberals were the main recipients of the benefits of the military coup. The dissenting opinion is liberal war on Argentina. They kept the lion's share. Thousands of habeas corpus, all with negative results, the family went through the courts with negative results. "
" Political persecution legal, simulated executions, were features that completed the most hideous face of the disappeared. "
"COT now appears as the villain. Defendants have endeavored to explain the organizational and organization of the military as if we were unable to understand. What we can not understand is this desire to hide in the folds of the military bureaucracy. "
Case of Martin Frese
After a recess and resumed the hearing. Former President Videla was not present in the courtroom as he did in the morning on Wednesday. Martin Frese explained, in particular plaintiff attorney defending the families of the following victims: Pablo Alberto Balustra , Miguel Angel and Jose Alberto Svagusa Mozé.
Balustra Pablo Alberto, born in Córdoba. Worked at Obras Sanitarias de la Nación. Steward. Militated Montoneros. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt on 11 November 1976 at age 33. (Acts III and XIII of the cause).
Miguel Angel Mozé: Born in Cruz del Eje, Córdoba. It was a seminarian, student of Information Sciences and leader of the Peronist Youth. Militated Montoneros. He had a son three years. Arrested the UP1 and killed on May 17, 1976, in an alleged escape attempt, at age 27. (Acts III and IV of the cause)
José Alberto Svagusa: born in Monte Maiz, Córdoba. He lived in Rio Cuarto for 17 years and then settled in Córdoba Capital, an activist in Montoneros. Detained in the UP1 and killed on May 17, 1976 in an alleged escape attempt. He was 28 years (Acts III and IV of the cause).
"People impute are Jorge Rafael Videla, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Vincent Meli, Carlos Mauricio Poncet, Raul Eduardo Fierro, Jorge González Navarro, Juan Emilio Huber, Pino Victor Cano, Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz, Miguel Angel Perez, Carlos Hibar Perez, Carlos Yanicelli, Calixto Flores, Juan Eduardo Molina, Luis Lucero. "
"It is clear that prisoners from the prison of San Martin were political prisoners. Videla Policy 404-75 in the fight against subversion, with regard to the national and provincial correctional services, is the documentary evidence with which I consider this action begins. He said specifically: given the existence of subversive criminals are arrested establishments under the control of the military. Contact determining which of the detainees inside and outside. Direct the activities of intelligence and counterintelligence. Not to intervene in the general conditions of management of facilities provided that they do not affect the control and security. "
" There is a note that asks specific data to inform themselves of the detainees, if belong to any organization and in what hierarchy. There is evidence, such as Henry Asbert, which ensures that Menendez arrived at the jail by helicopter. "
" It Which informs Sasiain Menendez in a memo that prisoners in jail have comfort, makes training activities, they have banned books, etc., 'taking into account that Larrabure was not equal treatment'. "
"There was a new direction in the prison among which were the removal of all personal element, the media, reading material, restricted visitation, requisition to find all types of arms, stiffness in the diet, permission for detainees surrender their children to their families, and so on. "
" Early requisition of April there were very violent, in the case of the women were requisitions harassment, in the eyes of the military and their own children, who were left crying in the arms of prison officials. "
" The Final Witnesses said that the comrades were taken from the prison and never returned. Who learned this thanks to devices that were designed to communicate. The language of the hands, the dove, candy ... So they found out, basically by the eleven o'clock news the night of Radio Universidad. "
" There was a guard lieutenant and Alsina Lieutenant Mones Ruiz. Calvary is accredited and the circumstances that led to the policy after Juan Bautista Sasiain. "
" The visual inspection was very useful to see how dilapidated the facilities were and still are criminal. "
" Another form of transfer and that never reached their destination ever escape attempts ended with the detainees. There was no law and no escape. It was an understatement. It was a systematic approach and a striking regularity. "
" appealed to unfortunate disinformation maneuver through communiqués detainees who always tried to escape by damage to cars or other subversive attacks wanted to save them. And always the detainees die subversive. "
" It is said that the facts are completely tested. I will make a brief reference to the Department of Information. Radio Command was a command and a mobile command fixed. What important is that there were three companies in the mobile command rotated. Conducting preventive patrols were operating in support of the Department of Information. This link is important to recognize. The role and place assigned Rocha witnesses, the accused in the case Gontero. You can not ignore that the events that occurred might not have happened if they had not counted on the collusion functional federal Justice officials, who adhered so unfortunate that these episodes happen. In particular I refer to judges, prosecutors and public defenders. I understand that it was they who were responsible for protecting the lives and health of those who were responsible. I mean the judges Zamboni Ledesma and Miguel Angel Puga. "
" Unlike have been for the victims who had investigated the transfers and deaths. Chain only made evident irregularities. Not all judicial officers acted the same way. "
" Cardinal Primatesta demonstrated the Church was collusion with the military regime. Witnesses told us they were visited by the chaplain Mackinnon and Gallardo. To entrust their ordeal, Fermin Rivera received in response to three hours of torture was not a sin. "
" Maybe we are all hoping an attitude of repentance. Perhaps everyone is waiting for Videla's attitude was Corporal Miguel Angel Perez, who apologized to the family. He said 'who threw the blame on his face and we rejoice to be free men. " Videla thought without shame and without remorse, claiming death as a moral refuge of his life. I wonder if these are the great battles of the generals who pride. Cold-bloodedly killed their countrymen. "
" I admired the Argentine Army. I admired and wanted to be a soldier, and my uncle I could not say that I was missing son. "
" Mr. Videla, do not throw blame on the face, we attribute responsibilities. Nor do we enjoy the results because it left a devastated country. Death and disappearance of people. Is not pull sadism people live in the sea? Did not sadism pond is a person, cut the testicles of Sergeant Albareda? Mr. President, in the end I am convinced that even these gentlemen themselves entrusted with impunity. But how come so many lies? In the background I believe that these same gentlemen knew this day would come. "
Report: Natalia Brusa
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