Thursday, November 4, 2010

Aroma Therapy Headaches

Peak Oil: "A conspiracy of silence" in Washington, according to Robert Hirsch.

This is the second part of the interview with Robert Hirsch, which was published 's blog "Oil Man" (site specializing in the oil of the web site of "Le Monde") in connection with the publication of his book "The imminent disorder global energy. "

Oil Man: What happened after the publication of a report on peak oil that you did in 2005 for the Department of Energy United States?

Robert Hirsch: The people I worked for told me: ... more research on peak oil? not think!

OM: These people had high positions in government?

RH: The people I worked with were from the research laboratory, and received instructions from politicians in the high-level DOE. After the 2005 report and its complement of 2006, the management of DOE cut all support to the analysis of peak oil. The people of the "National Laboratory Technology of Energy " were serious people, they saw the problem and until the impact point will be hard-you know, the potential damages are huge, but I said ... "no more research, no more discussions."

OM: That was in 2006 during the Bush administration. Things have changed with Obama?

RH: Nothing has changed. I have friends who no longer want to talk about it again. So I guess they have received the same instructions.

OM: However in March 2010, in an interview I did with Glen Sweetnam, who was responsible for the release of the DOE's annual report, acknowledged that "there is a chance to experience the decline" of the global production of liquid fuels between 2011 and 2015. But a month after he was mutated to the National Security Council, where he found a place under the authority of the White House. I was surprised by his statement?

RM: Yeah, what Glen Sweetnam said surprised me, because in the DOE's all very controlled. I think that Glen passed over its hierarchy and finally no one came to read his statement.

OM: When I try to get a response with Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, and the "staff" of DOE policy, with respect to the statement Sweetnam, all I got was a ... "No comment!"

RH: I think it will be very difficult to obtain more information. Now that Glen Sweetnam is in the "Council" is as if it were in circulation, but will not give press conferences.

OM: Still, it appears that the Secretary of Energy to President Obama aware of the problem of Peak Oil.

RH: Of course it is aware!

OM: ... And then what?

RH: It is clear that the Secretary Chu is a good physique, but I think it has a narrow view in terms of energy. He is also an ideologue, so he has an academic approach to the subject. Is very different from the vision of people who have spent their time in the industry who have had to make things work, who are aware of reality.

OM: However, Steven Chu and Barack Obama try to promote renewable energy seriously, no?

RH: Well, well ... In our book we devote 60% of our oil explanation, and the rest, we are dedicated to other energy sources: coal, nuclear and renewables. For us it is clear that THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY THAT THE WIND , THE SOLAR AND BIOMASS PRODUCE SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES OF ENERGY. Many people are mistaken when they say ... "do wind and everything will be fine."

OM: That's what happens on the side of the Department of Defense ? There are two reports clearly show that there are armed officers seeking to sound the alarm.

RH: You're right. Perhaps things are different in the Pentagon. The DOD is led by Robert Gates. A bright guy and a close friend of James Schlesinger, former - U.S. Energy Secretary, who wrote the preface to this book. Schlesinger is used permanently as a director for the Department of Defense as directors.

In 2005, Robert Gates participated in a strategy exercise called "The Oil Shock Waves." With him were other senior officers of government, both Republicans and Democrats. Together they analyzed the consequences of a severe cut global oil supplies, the order of 5%.

OM: As in 1973?

RH: Worse than that. They looked at the impact and saw the grave problems for the economy. Then searched the options available, but of course, no options. There are no valves to open anywhere. Anticipated even intervene militarily in the Middle East. In general, concluded that it was an impossible mission.

OM: What can you say about James Schlesinger: for as they are concerned about a possible decline in world oil production?

RH: Since I read the reports of King Hubbert in the 60's. It was before he was defense secretary then Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

OM: After passed the famous speech by Jimmy Carter on the dependence oil

RH: Yes, James Schlesinger was behind Carter in his speech, Secretary of Energy. He was also the Admiral Rickover, the father of American nuclear fleet.

What I mean is that I think the Pentagon is largely independent of the White House like to say things like those found in the reports that you have posted on his blog.

OM: And then many people have said the invasion of Iraq was because of oil.

RH: I do not think so, but it remains a very good question.

OM: The Pentagon, Chatham House, and the German Navy, now that these sources claim that we are facing the decline of world oil production, what is your point view on the level of awareness of our governments on the issue? U.S. production declines from 40 years ago, the China is very interested in reaching all supply sources abroad, etc.

RH: With respect to States Together, there are people in the administration who understand the problem. I do not think a significant number of people. And we can say that there is an agreement (conspiracy) to hide the problem.

OM: And then?

RH: In the UK, I think the government does not see the problem. In fact, I believe that in most countries, governments do not understand the problem. The way it works a field, just escaping the experience of most people.

OM: Coping you what you call "censorship of American Management " with respect to peak oil?

RH: We continue to work, this is how we face.

OM: But, are you disappointed, or I would not be shocked, surprised, perhaps?

RH: I'm not surprised, because when you spend some time studying the peak oil, with which you are a reasonably intelligent person, you sensed that catastrophic things will happen. We talked further damage a huge change in our civilization. CHAOS, economic disaster, war, all sorts of situations as I mentioned, very complicated, "nonlinear."

Things really bad. People do not like to talk about bad things.

Translation: Edgar Ocampo


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