The TOF Córdoba No. 1 11/11/2010 heard the testimony of Frederick and Dora Bazán Caffieri of Bauducco. In the coming days, the accused may extend their statements in court and then two days later, start the phase of allegations
The Federal Oral Court No. 1 of Córdoba heard on Thursday the story of the last two witnesses in the trial Jorge Rafael Videla and 30 other defendants for crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship.
addition the TOF Córdoba No. 1 on Thursday ruled that begins Nov. 18 and concluding round of closing arguments next Tuesday and the accused can extend his remarks.
Regarding the recent statement of two witnesses, then some of their statements:
Federico Víctor Bazán
"There were demonstrations at the rectory to request renewals. Received four deans, Federico, Contempo, Gallardo and I received a series of threats. We ordered red flowers and a few days without having resolved the problem guild, I stopped at my house. "
"I was stopped by police in Cordoba. We were accused of conspiracy to me and my wife. We were arrested and made us a cause. I do not remember if it was Dr. Puga. At first I told the legal assistance of Dr. Ceballos who was in the teachers union. Shortly afterwards came no more, was the month of May. "
"In September Oct. 1, began restrictions on the advantages we had prisoners in the Prison Service. That was tightening up the arrival of the coup, when visits are suspended. "
"Under the new system policy is a set of circumstances, requisitions violent behavior of inmates to go to the doctor were exacerbated. The driving and brought them to blows. "
"One prisoner, Dreizick, preferred to have had asthma and asthma attacks within the cell and not go to the doctor. I think the Court will interest me in 1976 I had a shipment on the date of June 11, three inmates of Hall 6 and 8 were conducted at 6 or 7 pm at the entrance of the prison. We were José Funes, Hugo Vaca Narvaja and me. "
"We were blindfolded, hands tied behind us and there was a feeling that we were going to transfer. Touch me the back of the knee. When you feel fear, the trembling knee muscle and can not be controlled. Sang, the sky, you'll dress in white. "
"We moved into a truck, lying on the floor, lying on the floor of the truck. They beat us up to a place that I infer that is the Rivera. The transfer lasted three nights and four days. On Monday 14 we went to bring the prison of San Martin.
"While in this place we are bound, blindfolded and sitting in front of the mattress, the sleeping desatábamos. We were told we were going to church. We were forbidden to speak. This Sunday allowed us to throw ourselves on the patio to sunbathe, that day there were other prisoners who commented loudly that they were workers from the quarry at Cruz del Eje and commented that it was the day of San Antonio in Cross Axis. "
"The ear is the only organ that does not quit. Lying down see through the bandages a place with galleries. Day 14, Monday, we meet at three and a person of high level, we communicate a message. We pat the shoulder, embraces us and tell us you top the list of people we kill. Comuníquenselo pigeons to Paris. "
"They told us We had communication with Paris was supposed to host the organizations they belonged. When we return to the prison of San Martin, there we took the closures, we reviewed, we were dirty but we were not beaten or hurt. "
"Each returned to his cell and communicate the message that encabezábamos the list of presumed dead. Three weeks later went on a mission Cristian Funes with a girl and never returned. We thought we began to fulfill the promise. "
"We knew we were not the first, had passed and said they were leaking. The Commons heard the radio and communicated the news. In mid-July Vaca Narvaja pulled back and no more. I thought that in August it was my turn. "
"On September 5 there was a massive transfer of prisoners to Sierra Chica and La Plata. Outside the orbit of the Third Corps. It was the anniversary of the death of my father and I thought that I had saved. In Sierra Chica requisition was very strong. Then I lost an ear by the blows. "
"In October there was a massive transfer of prisoners from different jails and taken to the Criminal San Martín. They set up a commission of 23, elected to three, a journalist Bornaldel of Mendoza, to me, and Miss Alicia Viela and lead us blindfolded and tell us if anything happened to Videla would die a number of prisoners, and if you went something to a colonel, another amount was going to die. "
"On the occasion of the World Cup suit. We made the same threat. At that time walking a commission of the International Red Cross. We searched the prison of San Martin. We moved to the 23 to Rivera. When the Red Cross goes to Rivera, both of us went to La Perla. La Perla at the time was dismantled. "
"Someone in La Rivera reported that there were 23 detainees and no longer were, and we start looking at La Perla and La Rivera. It was a girl and for reporting that led to Pearl fajinera. Deustch was a girl. "
"When we arrived at La Perla were people who played music too loud. Deustch She told me that they were collaborating so were blindfolded and had no special treatment. Bring us back to the prison of San Martin. To me that was a relief because it was a prison but with human faces. In the Pearl does not. "
"They were three months in 1977 and three months in 1978 without communication with my family and without a lawyer. My name appeared twice among the lists of missing persons. "
"After three months in solitary girl for allegedly signing a petition to the press. Spend three months in solitary confinement in Cordoba, and six months in solitary confinement in Sierra girl. Lose 82 kilos to 62 kilos. "
"When dismantled Sierra Chica Rawson took me to where can be set free in 1980."
"I had a conviction for 5 years to complete prohibition. So I prepared my trip to France. Went to France as a political refugee. From there dealt with the topic of my disqualification with Elda. Becerra. "
"The trials were canceled during the Alfonsin government. I returned the positions at the University but I was working in Paris. They gave me unpaid leave for a few years but then had to quit because he could not take over. "
Bauducco Dora Isabel Caffieri of
"I have not had personal contact with the accused. I have spent 34 years I have 34 years which means that we have changed all, but we remain the same. "
"I have 59, I am an architect. On December 20, 1975, came to my house a totally armed, broke everything and took away many things, I was with my husband, was pregnant and preparing my thesis. "
"We split up, they put a bandage and took me to a mobile that was at the door. They took me to information I never removed the blindfold, pulled it when I see them all in civilian clothes and began to threaten me that they would kill his son who was in my belly. "
"I said I had a drawing board and I told them I was studying architecture. The cousin of my husband Admiral Massera was and call it to him and he will realize that here was a mistake. "
"I gave a series of kicks and I said I was saying that it was resistance to clogging, but that I would do other things. I told them I was not going to say something I did not know. "
"The torture was psychological. I kicked and I had some contractions. Mine was milder than others. I was listening to a bank like other people being tortured. At Christmas they brought us a glass of cider. I do not accept the cup and told them I could not bring about anything. I did not know what effect I would say bring it. "
"While I was there was one person who came up to me all the time, very fragrant, and about 45 years. I said my husband was saying a lot of things, saying that acted policies etc. I told him that my husband could not say that because he lived with me. "
"There was a permanent siege that I felt at what was involved. I knew he was not involved in anything that I had to repent. We believed in social justice, wanted a better world, I believe in justice, do not believe in impunity. "
"With bands placed, looked down and saw people walking boots. I do not know if military boots police but were kicking boots. "
"Once I hit a piece of chicken wrapped in silver paper and when I opened was full of ants. Then I moved to the prison of San Martin.
"I went to court to declare the Zamboni Ledesma. The defender was Haro. I put a case for conspiracy to my husband, a companion of my husband and a wife I did not know, Rosario Miguel Muñoz. "
"My son was born on March 6 in the motherhood. They handcuffed me to stretch a hand out of bed and walking as well. I was thirteen hours of labor, when it came time delivery, and the responsible doctor asked me to take off the handcuffs, which in the delivery room and ordered her not going to get anybody. "
"There were armed men in civilian clothes. So I had my son, where recent parturients had the same maternity. I was the only political prisoner. And I again handcuffed to the bed. "
"The warden wanted to cover my handcuffed hands and I told him not to. These men turned on the light at three in the morning and roamed the place with weapons. It was an unacceptable situation so I asked if they gave him high on my son, I wanted to go back to jail soon.
"I went to the prison and began a period of terror. The cells and the windows were closed and we took everything. We left some clothes and the mattress doubled overnight. "
"I was downstairs in individual cells, the cell number twenty, right in the middle. They took the sun out into the yard, everything. "
"began a reign of terror known to all. All felt the same. Several guards came took turns each week. There were people that we identified by the uniform. "
"The police had a different uniform. These people never attacked us. Had the same rigid rules but we attacked him. There was a sort of competition between the guards. "
"The degree of suffering was terrible disease. Tried to explain to us that we were responsible for what happened. "
"I never imagined I would be someone in life you could do such harmful things to others. I did not know that torture may exist. I was a young man of 24 years. The situation of helplessness that we had was terrible, we had no trust. Night someone entered the cell and did not know what could happen. The wardens were left outside and entered the military. There was a janitor, a very strong one. "
"With women, were subjected, was the terror. The personality of each of the dams could help in those situations or not. A soldier came in, closed the door and nobody could help. The sisters cried and no one could help. "
"When taken out to a companion, companions shouted, being taken away and the next day came the wardens and no one returned to talk about that person. "
"My husband saw while we were notified. We had private visits when my son was born. I learned of his death by accident. A prisoner with his hands I wonder how we were, I asked as the boys. He said they were bad because they had killed one, Gustavo Bauducco. "
"The shock was great because it was not called Gustavo Gustavo and Raul Bauducco but was very similar. I until I had the interview with those who came from the court I hope that was a mistake. When I was taken to declare the August 12, 1976, birthday my mom, I read the data on the cause, missing my husband. Asked why was not the case and they told me that after I was going to explain. "
"That gave me a stay but they said it was by executive order. At that time defense counsel was Molina. There were others but can not remember the faces. I was told that he had wanted to snatch a soldier's gun in self-defense and killed him. "
"I went into a rage and yell you are justice, are the only hope we have and you come to convince me that my husband is a person so stupid that without knowing how to handle a weapon of terror in that situation you will want to grab a weapon even military. "
"not ashamed to be fair, I asked the attendant that I was done because these people would give me sick. I felt betrayed. Never saw us until you get to my family Devoto and output processing my country. "
"Requisitions were like, asking me to lower her panties, I refused as I was sent to prison. So I was always in jail I told them I refused the requisition, but if the rape and take me back to prison. I had no contact with reality. "
"Something happened that after we returned to the prison. A few days later we returned to board a plane and the person I had my, it was a military man told me do not you afraid? And I said no, he already had the freedom granted. Do not believe you told me and I told him I have not scared me. "
"As you will not be afraid, if you're going to throw to the sharks. I told him I was not afraid because I had not done anything I regret having to shift them into another, and fear that they would have life. "
Report: Natalia Brusa
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