Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Indianwomens Showing Boobs

allegations of the prosecution began the argument of the prosecutors in the trial of Jorge Rafael Videla

The TOF 1 of Cordoba began exposures in the debate against former coup leader and 30 other defendants for crimes against humanity. Last week, the complaints requested life sentences for Videla and Menendez

The Federal Oral Court No. 1 of Córdoba on Tuesday began hearing the allegation of Public Prosecutions, in the context of the trial against former coup leader Jorge Rafael Videla and 30 other defendants for crimes against humanity.

Thus, before the judges Gavier Jaime Diaz, Carlos Julio Lascano and José María Pérez Villalobos, presenting exhibitions and Carlos Maximiliano Harabedian Gonella.

The Court ordered a recess until next Thursday at 9:30, where they will continue with the allegations of Public Prosecutions.

Then the main sections of Harabedian allegation:

"First, I will refer to the procedural status of the main accused in this case, Jorge Rafael Videla. What evidence does the prosecution to say that he was responsible for the preparation of this plan elimination of opponents who had the military dictatorship. In jail prison, there is a before and after, narrated by the former detainees who testified in this case. There was a system before and one after 24 March. Before the no and then took to kill himself, though Videla and Menendez were already existing authority of the military and policies for the fight against subversion. I mean what policies were not changed, but everything changed with the arrival to the presidency of Videla. "

" In addition, Videla was one of the drivers of regulation and decrees that ordered the fight against subversion in 1975 for the constitutional government. I will quote the book "official lie" by Nicolas Marquez. The author is not someone who wants to harm Videla, but it claimed. Italo Luder (then in charge of the presidency) quoted military commanders to see what actions to combat subversion. Videla has four solutions and explains that the military will have guns and are prepared to kill and die. "

" The first solution was a system that provides centralized, rigorous and highly monitored by the leadership, control of superiority to inferiority. This system was not suitable because it would take a long time lead to success in the fight and no one knew how long it might take. It was a system of legality. At the other end, which proposed Videla, was a method not only freedom of action to every force but also to each sector involved in subversion. Greater independence and freedom. The method would be bloody but quick, clarified Videla. This method was implemented after that, so this book important meeting substantiate this. "

" Directive 404/75: reserve of the Commander in Chief planning the fight against subversion throughout the country. Provincial prisons placed under military control. Puts infantry brigades across the country a dominant role. And gives the airborne infantry brigade's psychological operations mission. The orientation of how to perform reserve is the figure of him (Videla), which was to provide guidance to the commanders of each place in this psychological action. "

" Another issue. Videla has admitted his responsibility in this trial. Not so in the jucie commanders. You said that you assume full responsibility for their actions. The denomination has a great weight of evidence. "

" There had to dispose of the prisoners in Cordoba as well? Had it, and not just the formal responsibility but also real. "

" It tells you when (the then Archbishop Raúl Francisco) Primatesta intercede with Videla by prisoners of Cordoba, who would not let them see your family. It addresses Videla and management was successful, because Videla ordered through the Third Corps, area 311, and the order to laCuarta restransmite Brigade (Vicente) Meli Christmas orders that prisoners can see the family and even ordered some liberties. "

" The sentence because 13/85 determined to combat subversion would be the responsibility of each weapon. But finally, all the facts of this case have been under army control, the weapon that belonged Videla. Acts were committed under orders of the executive and the army, there were no excesses of police and disobedience groups to lower-level management. The plan was implemented as punctilious top-down and bottom up. And was applied throughout the national territory. This is important because episodes that occurred at the prison in Cordoba did not happen only in this prison, but in other country where they were not under the purview of the Third Army Corps. "

" The prisoners have reported that in other prisons are also applied the same treatment here: La Plata, Sierra Chica, Chaco, and so on. This is also proven at trial to the boards, as established in the case of Margarita Belén. In a move was made without cause mass murder, which is then concealed in a psychological operation, as a confrontation with the insurgent forces. "

" Before 24 March there had been complaints abroad for human rights violations. Following this campaign called "anti-Argentine" there were numerous complaints from individuals and international and national institutions on their way just to Videla. But they were launched in this plan of extermination and did not stop. Had a strong will in general go on in this program of extermination, a program that ideologically I attributed to him even from its inception. "

" For example, the Episcopal Conference is heading to Argentina him and sometimes he succeeded in some measures. Address the many claims for violations of human rights, met several times with Videla, including Videla vicariate speaks to people with problems of conscience because they have been forced to participate in torture. This is in the book "Church and Human Rights." The bishops called on Videla by prisoners without trial or investigation. The pain of the families, who know nothing and the passage of time aggravates her pain. It's unacceptable failure to defend the detainees. For every Christian the end justifies the means. "

" The decrees referred to "destroy the power of subversion." Annihilate not meant to annihilate the rebels and they have recognized to the same board members, Videla or Massera, before the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, before the trial of the commanders. "

" Videla's argument that there were crimes against humanity because the victims were not civilians but combatants is fallacious. The doctrine and case law clearly establishes that even a member of an armed force and an irregular combatants may be victims of crimes against humanity. In which case: 1) When he has surrendered, 2) when it has been disarmed and a prisoner in the hands of the authority that held him captive, 3) when wounded and helpless. In such cases are liable for crimes against humanity. It's exactly what happened in this case. "

"Videla said in this trial:" You were cruel, no doubt you. "That is very general. Alsina said that the prisoners were living like animals. Recognises how they lived. Upon inquiry, the prosecutor, said he not aware, and that he had read when the statement read statements from prisoners. He was unaware, but believed them to prisoners. And then he turned to acknowledge. That happens to those who talk too much. He said in prison found that living like animals and that was the fault of the prison service and so no one gets it back to society. "

"The beatings were systematic were not one day or another, were permanent. "

" The ruling of the case 13 sets of important issues and worthy of note on the responsibility of Videla. Each weapon of the armed forces would be responsible for the fight against subversion in their field. All the facts of this case occurred within the orbit of the Army. "

" Speak the sentence that the method used in the suppression of subversion was the same throughout the country. This is important because it has been shown that prisoners lived episodes that were common in prisons throughout the country. "

"On the grounds of res judicata in the prosecution of tax that are not described because the facts of this case."

"We have recourse to the constitutional government policies (especially in that decree ordering annihilate subversion). Annihilate annihilate an action does not mean people who carry out the actions."

"I will now turn to the chain of command, the chief of staff, Vincent Meli. Meli functions were giving the orders for the General Staff officer, has no sanction for failure to file in order The must coordinate actions to enforce the order coming from above. "

" There is a fact that painting was the chain of command that had Meli, Jorge De Breuil, a story that he was taken to jail and he did everything, burned the genitals, which Meli was ordered, here is reflected the degree of control that Meli had. "

" His involvement was not only formal but real. Alsina recognized as the prisoners lived, said: "They lived like animals" and then contradicted himself several times so far in the trial, that happens to those who talk more. "

" This ill-treatment is not prisoners invented something here. Otto said at this hearing when you stop found some flyers denouncing the mistreatment of prisoners at the time. "

" This implementation depended head of the order. Of the fourth brigade down the order. Pino relaying orders. In his file shows that he was at this chain of command at the time of the facts. There was a bypass on orders. The retransmitted. The infantry regiment that was also commanded the fight against subversion. "

" Quiroga, when defending the fact that eleven states reaches the order of his superior and then informs you that it passed off without novelty and cross-examination that after that happened when he left the press. "

" Mones Ruiz is accused of being responsible for a section that had role in prison abuse in this case. He said it was too little, there were other sections to jail but just remind detainees Alsina and Mones Ruiz. There must be some. SI would soon be that when he went was terrible and so I remember. "

" There are witnesses, for example De Breuil, who said the lieutenant Parsic section was quiet and therefore had no problem with that look .

"Alsina. It is again the name of it. It is appointed for 25 years. Alsina said that the detainees have lied when they say that he liked to give speeches. He is a man of few words. . It says that the accused has been characterized in this trial for his long speeches He said the prison was in charge of the prison service. The contemporaneous documents stating that the prison was under army control. I do not understand how you can deny that they support military documents. "

" Alsina says that witnesses say armed for all the same. Shows that it is not the fact, for example, that the witnesses did not recognize the suspects when they come may have seen in newspapers and online. "

" Female prisoners have described personality of Alsina and Mones Ruiz. Alsina said that was hysterical, impulsive, etc and Mones Ruiz was serious, discreet, good sized. Women tend to be better describing the personality of men. Look how the military bundles of them say the same. "

" Hibar Carlos Perez. Perez said that there were others. The other Pérez of which bring the file, Salta, not only is no section Alsina. The witness said Sánchez Pérez mortified that I had a tune puntana or Cuyo. Note that the file says Carlos Hibar Perez was born in San Luis. No doubt they are referring to him not to another Perez. "

" Miguel Angel Perez. The witness account of an episode in Avila Valley Punilla and suddenly he seems to see in a shop in a supermarket that Corporal Perez famous waterfall in prison. The owner asks the market if you know this man and the woman said that the name was lazy and had been a soldier. "

" Paredes. Bozano Paredes said he saw beat the detainees when they were taken to the infirmary. "

" I will now speak of the fact fifth (Pucheta Sgandurra and villas) "

" The order to take them to court-martial is the fourth brigade. Sasiain. The book says that the move did Lopez. Pino dependent. The book clocks in the morgue. The Third Corps communicates the fact of the deaths of seven rebels. The time and day to get them out of jail to the court martial proceedings belie. No official matches. The prosecution has not established who the perpetrators of the facts. "

Done VII

" The day before to get them out of Arquiola Rossetti Funes was a colonel and to get them removed and did not quit because they had a warrant. Ledesma Zamboni would not give the order. "

" Funes So, when you take the next day, says it take to kill him and the witness Guido that were merged into a hug. Even before they had brought with Vaca Narvaja Bazán and were told that they would be killed. "

" It shows planning. On that occasion, which is moved Alsina. So there is no accountability of the fourth brigade. Meli an explanation saying that he would pass out 9 days before. The newsletter contains the say goes pass but not when it is put into effect the pass. "

" He says he just came to Cordoba, in addition to the move had to revalidate the license was expired skydiver. This seems reasonable since if we consider that this crime was planned before I have no proof to say that speaking on this. For this fact the prosecution will ask for absolution. "

Done eighth. The death of Raul Bauducco

" Mones Ruiz said that when Perez will kill Bauducco he was not in the yard Perez says
accidentally killed him. Mones Ruiz said he retired because he had been called to bring to a halt. The documents said that day not to take statements from any detainee in jail. "

" The warden said Mones Ruiz said he was not in the yard because Mones Ruiz had gone to talk with the bride. And has given at least three different versions of the fact during these long years. He first said that an attempt to fit fu weapon, then said it was an accident for a joke he wanted to do. "

" Few times I saw during the trial of a defendant with exculpatory many positions together. First he says that when he was Perez had no the gun in his hand. Perez says he was holding the order of Mones Ruiz. He says Perez comforted him because he was so wrong. Is it the logical reaction to an officer who has disobeyed an order and it can seriously? "

" The other version is that Perez wanted him because he had beaten up with other prisoners and that he escaped a shot by accident. It is a very credible version of the movements that have to do to mount the gun. This shows that it is a fact deliberate, not accidental. "

" What we wanted to do was kill a person could not be lifted by the beating he had suffered previously. In the Munoz case, the Court can see that the terrorist act Bauducco was to receive a magazine, a fact that was later denied in progress. "

Upon the death of Rene Moukarzel

" There are few homicides witnesses other than this. Alsina said that left him handcuffed in a yard and left it there. What supports it in that version is Coelho who worked with him. It is rare that a person who until then had no health problems and die so that no one investigate what happened. "

" The fact Moukarsel Alsina was creative. No was a higher order and yet are charged with this fact the entire chain of command that was above él.La Alsina responsibility is proven, but the responsibility for the chain of command is more complicated. "

" It happened Moukarsel what's under the systematic plan implemented by Videla down to get to Huber. The killings have a motive. The killing of Moukarsel is difficult to classify because they combine the personality of Alsina and historical context that gave it context. "

" They say that evil is easy to understand the motives that move. Alsina what goes mobile. Sale of classic, so it is very difficult to understand for humans. "

" is an evil that does not fit into the classical categories of evil. I will demonstrate that without the historical context of the time could not have happened. "

" What are the characteristics of his personality. The Army's comments in his file said that a cadet has a lot of indiscipline. They said it was very impulsive. Rebuke him for being too strict with his subordinates. It has ups and downs in his conduct, which acts impulsively. I could not control their behavior. The ups and downs take you to exceed the penalties. Huber called the police go military because it was not useful for the job. "

" In 1987 he was diagnosed with neurosis and can not hold office. Moukarsel The fact proves that you can not control. He saw that he received something of a prisoner and could not control. "

" A neurotic as the doctrine is chargeable. Is aware of what he does and is aware of good and evil and has a good reading of reality. "

" In the state terrorism is erased the boundaries between good and evil, between truth and lies . The totalitarian system in man is reduced to a ghostly doll. If I had not Alsina absolute power, if detainees had not been reduced to nothing, Alsina could do what he did with Moukarsel. Of course not. "

" Totalitarianism needs to guarantee impunity for their actions. Was implemented by Videla regime that allowed the crime occurred Moukarsel. "

" The fact nominated for 11, does not take much effort to demonstrate the fact, as there is a survivor of fact, the brother of Breuil who stated in this trial. For Quiroga, there are elements to support the hypothesis of the prosecution. The signature on withdrawal of the prison and then De Breuil was also at the entrance to the prison. The protagonist himself says it's the fact lie to the statement of the Army Command, was clearly demonstrated with this participation. De Breuil's testimony must be taken into account in any statement, since it is an honest witness. "

" Quiroga said that he was in charge in one part of the event, but if we are to what he apparent in relation to who was at the signing of the transfer, it is clear who was in both, because if he was hiding there was a senior captain of that. "

" With regard to D'Aloia, the only evidence is that when you transfer and make the scale between the first and second transfer and ask if you play football on Saturday, he says "shut up that led to subversive." Do not add items to request a sentence on this defendant. "

" The fact nominated 13 (last event). A month before the event had suspicions among the prisoners of what would happen, because it had told them. Balustra said, before being retired, they would kill him. Several witnesses have so far made it clear during this hearing. "

" And the testimony of several family members that made clear the torture suffered by their families. First, questions have heard the witnesses, saying they are terrorists and not victims. In the Argentine penal system can also be a terrorist victim. Here there seems to be an armed speech. "

" If the Argentine Army made a autoadmistía, is because they knew what was happening. "

" With this I completed my statement Mr. Chairman, for Thursday is expected to continue Dr. Gonella with the analysis of the test and then proceed to give the respective punitive order for the accused. "

Report: Natalia Brusa

Friday, November 26, 2010

Biggest Hippo Ever Recorded

More lawsuits ask for life imprisonment and Menendez Videla on trial in Cordoba

Representatives some victims asked on Thursday the death penalty to TOF 1 of that city. It is under the process that follows the former de facto president and 30 other defendants accused of crimes against humanity

The Federal Court No. 1 of Córdoba resumed on Thursday the hearing of arguments in the trial against former facto president Jorge Rafael Videla and thirty other defendants for crimes against humanity committed during the last military government.

then the penalties requested by the complaints filed his statement:

Of the complaints represented by lawyers Claudio Orosz, Martin Frese, Elvio Zanotti and the imposition of torture and killings of the victims: Paul Balustra; Jose Svaguza and Mozé and José Miguel Funes
Cristian Jorge Rafael Videla

"In fact nominated third (about Moze, Svagusa and Balustra) fourth and thirteenth as the author of imposition of aggravated torments: art. 144 ter., 1st. Paragraph of the Penal Code, with the added provisions in the 2nd paragraph of the same law (Law 21388) .- political prisoner and persecuted victim. "

" Aggravated homicide: art. 80, incs. 2 and 6 of the Criminal Code, set to be applied by treachery and aggravated by the number of partners in its implementation. Remark as a civil servant within the meaning of art. Cp 77. And the condition of prisoners and victims of political persecution, the helplessness of the victims and the absence of danger to the authors of his death. "

" All these crimes are covered by the Argentine penal code both at the time of the acts have been committed so far. As already mentioned these behaviors have been conducted within the framework of a systematic and widespread persecution and extermination that transformed these inalienable for crimes in the context of genocide as established by the Assembly of nations about the persecution together with ethnic, racial, religious and national politicians. "
"These are serious events is enormous extent of damage, just listen to the bereaved, to realize it."

"We understand that we are dealing with a public official who has known the Judiciary of the nation and asked to be judged by their peers, has never shown remorse and regret for what terrible crimes. "
" Never before has collaborated with terminating the effects of crimes committed by at least indicating where lie the remains the thousands of murdered and disappeared in this specific case, their attitude contribute to elucidation finishing procedure, recognizing their responsibilities, though the law grants the privilege to not told their victims. "

" Consequently only we should be asking about the effective prison treatment common jail, and request a sentence of life imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and the ancillary law. "

Luciano Benjamin Menendez

" In fact nominated third (about Moze, Svagusa and Balustra), fourth and thirteenth as the author of taxation aggravated torments: art. 144 ter., 1st. Paragraph of the Penal Code, with the added provisions in the 2nd paragraph of the same law (Law 21388) .- political prisoner and persecuted victim. "

" Aggravated homicide: art. 80, incs. 2 and 6 of the Criminal Code, set to be applied by treachery and aggravated by the number of partners in its implementation. "
" All such material as the real contest rules art. 55 cp. We remark
as a civil servant within the meaning of art. Cp 77. And the condition of prisoners and political refugees of the victims, the helplessness of the victims and lack of danger to the perpetrators. "

" All these crimes are covered by the Argentine penal code both at the time of the acts have been committed so far. As already mentioned these behaviors have been conducted within the framework of a systematic and widespread persecution and extermination that transformed these inalienable for crimes in the context of genocide as established the United Nations General Assembly with regard to ethnic persecution , racial, national, religious and political. "

" serious are the facts, it's huge expansion damage, just listen to the bereaved, to realize it. "
" We understand that we are dealing with a public official who has known the judiciary of the nation and asked to be judged by their peers, never has shown remorse and regret for the terrible crimes committed. "

" Never before has collaborated with terminating the effects of crimes committed by at least indicating where the remains of thousands of murdered and disappeared in this specific case , contributing to elucidate its procedural attitude finishing, recognizing their responsibilities, although the law gives them the privilege to which did not have its victims. "
" Therefore we can only ask about the effective correctional treatment in common jail, and ask imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and the ancillary law. "

Vicente Meli

"In fact nominated third (about Balustra) and thirteenth (with the clarification regarding the nominees made only by the third party in relation to the principal of Drs. Zanotti and Luque who have already embraced this order, if José Cristian Funes and our representation in the case Paul Balustra only), as well as by three facts on which we submit "
Carlos Mauricio
Poncet, Raul Eduardo Fierro, Jorge González Navarro

" By command of fact and control of the will, in organized power typically rated as the imposition of torture aggravated: art. 144 ter., 1st. Paragraph of the Penal Code, with the added provisions in the 2nd paragraph of the same law (Law 21388) .- political prisoner and persecuted victim "

" Aggravated homicide: art . 80, incs. 2 and 6 of the Criminal Code, set to be applied by treachery and aggravated by the number of partners in its implementation.
All such material as the real contest rules art. 55 cc. "
" We stress the quality of public servants in terms of art. Cp 77. And the condition of prisoners and victims of political persecution, the helplessness of the victims and the lack of danger to the perpetrators. "

" All these crimes are covered by the Argentine Penal Code both date of the acts have been committed so far. As already mentioned these behaviors have been conducted within the framework of a systematic and widespread persecution and extermination that transformed these inalienable for crimes in the context of genocide as established the United Nations General Assembly with regard to persecution on ethnic, racial, national, religious and political. "

" These are serious events is enormous extent of damage, suffice listen to the bereaved, to realize it. "
" We understand that we are dealing with public officials, which has ignored the judiciary of the nation and asked to be judged by their peers, has never shown remorse and repentance for the terrible crimes committed. "

" Never ever have collaborated with terminating the effects of crimes committed by at least indicating where the remains of thousands of murdered and disappeared in this specific case, their attitude contribute to elucidation finishing procedure, recognizing their responsibilities, although the law gives them that privilege which did not have its victims. "

" Therefore we can only ask about them effective correctional treatment in common jail, and sentence of life imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and the ancillary law. "

John Huber and Victor Cano Pino

"In connection with the third done (about Moze, Svagusa and Balustra). By command of fact and control of the will in organized power typically rated as the imposition of aggravated torments: art. 144 ter., 1st. Paragraph of the Penal Code, with the added provisions in the 2nd paragraph of the same law (Law 21338) .- political prisoner and persecuted victim. Four events, all such material under the rules of the art real competition. 55 cc. "

" We stress the quality of public servants in terms of art. Cp 77. And the condition of prisoners and victims of political persecution. The helplessness of the victims and the lack of danger to the perpetrators. "
" All these crimes are covered by the Argentine penal code both at the time of the acts have been committed so far. As already mentioned these behaviors have been conducted within the framework of a systematic and widespread persecution and extermination that transformed these inalienable for crimes in the context of genocide as established the United Nations General Assembly with regard to ethnic persecution , racial, national, religious and political. "

" serious are the facts, it is huge extent of damage, just listen to the bereaved, to realize it. "
"We understand that we are dealing with public officials who have ignored the judiciary of the nation and asked to be judged by their peers, has never shown remorse and regret for the terrible crimes committed."

"Never ever have worked with terminating the effects of crimes committed by at least indicating where the remains of thousands of murdered and disappeared in this specific case, their attitude contribute to elucidation finishing procedure, recognizing their responsibilities, either The law gives them this privilege which did not have its victims. "

"Therefore we can only ask about them effective correctional treatment in the common prison. The contest has mentioned material criminal scale from 3 to 25 years."
"Accordingly, and mindful that as rightly says Hanna Arendt in her book "Eichmann in Jerusalem" by citing the ruling of the case says: "... but in a crime so vast and complicated as the present one, involving many individuals located at different levels and in activity diverse nature, planners, organizers and executors, each according to his rank, "is of little use to use the common concepts of instigation and commission advice of a crime. These crimes were committed en masse, not only as it relates to victims, but also with regard to the number of those who perpetrated the crime, and more or less remote location of many criminals in relation to that physically kills the victim no means as measures of responsibility. By contrast, in general, the degree of responsibility increases as we move away from the man who holds in his hand a fatal instrument ... "p. 359.

"request for treatment prison sentence of 25 years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and ancillary legislation."

Gustavo Adolfo Alsina, Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz, Miguel Angel Perez, Carlos Perez and Jose Antonio Hibar Paredes

"Regarding the third factor (with respect to Moze, Svagusa and Balustra) as perpetrators and made functional domain. "

" Imposing aggravated torments: art. 144 ter., 1st. Paragraph of the penal code, with the added provisions in the 2nd paragraph of the same law (Law 21338) .- prisoner and victim of political persecution. Four events, all such material under the rules of the art real competition. 55 cc. "
" We stress the quality of public servants in terms Art. Cp 77. And the condition of prisoners and victims of political persecution. All these crimes are covered by the Argentine Criminal Code as to the date of the acts have been committed so far. As already mentioned these behaviors have been conducted within the framework of a systematic and widespread persecution and extermination that transformed these inalienable for crimes in the context of genocide as established the United Nations General Assembly with regard to ethnic persecution , racial, national, religious and political. "

" serious are the facts, it is huge extent of damage, just listen the bereaved, to realize it. "
" We understand that we are dealing with public officials, which has ignored the judiciary of the nation and asked to be judged by their peers, has never shown remorse and repentance for the terrible crimes committed. "

" Never before has collaborated with terminating the effects of crimes committed in this specific case, their attitude contribute to elucidation finishing procedure, recognizing their responsibilities, although the law gives them that privilege which did not have its victims. "
" Therefore we can only ask about them effective correctional treatment in the common jail. The competition brings the material referred to criminal scale from 3 to 25 years. "

" Specifically for Gustavo Adolfo Alsina, Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz, official leadership over their subordinates and subordinates, we request the penalty of twenty years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification to the accessories of law. "

" Hibar Carlos Perez and Jose Antonio Paredes request a sentence of 18 years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification to the accessories of law. "

"Regarding the Miguel Angel Perez and defendant solely because we value in its favor during the hearing at least has apologized to the families of the victims, we believe that the sentence in his case should be that of 15 years imprisonment, perpetual disqualification and complete with the accessories of law. "

" With respect to Carlos Yanicelli, Miguel Angel Gomez, Juan Eduardo Molina, Calixto Flores, Yamil Jabour, Luis Lucero sought treatment in ordinary prison, life imprisonment, and perpetual absolute disqualification. "

This lawsuit does not accuse the police Ricardo Rocha and Marcelo Luna Cayetano

In the lawsuit represented by counsel Lyllan Luque, who set the penalty sought by the death of José Cristian Funes

"Adhering to each and every one of the considerations made earlier regarding attribution of responsibility for the domain theory domain made by organized power, establishing command responsibility cases, immediate, and the legal qualification given to the fact the third, as will the seventh below. "

"Because third victim which was requested José Cristian Funes watch the following minimum sentences and maximum allowed the offense, taking into account that we are witnessing a crime that can only make public officials against prisoners, which in this case are also politically persecuted. "

" 15 years' imprisonment, disqualification absolute and perpetual with ancillary bill of Jorge Rafael Videla, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raul Fierro, Jorge Gonzalez Navarro, Victor Cano Pino, Juan Emilio Huber, Gustavo Adolfo Alsina and Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz. "
"14 years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification to ancillary bill to Carlos Perez and Miguel Angel Hibar Doe "
" 12 years' imprisonment and perpetual disqualification to ancillary bill to José Antonio Paredes. "

" Regarding the fact nominated seventh victim of the late Joseph Christian Funes, legally qualified as murder aggravated by cruelty and the participation of two or more people, according to the crime mentioned by Dr. Orosz, regarding Jorge Rafael Videla, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raul Fierro, Jorge González Navarro, ask for the penalty life imprisonment and perpetual disqualification to ancillary law. "

Case of Ruben Arroyo

After a recess, presented his case Rubén Arroyo, representing the family of the victim Raul Augusto Bauducco (Acts III and VIII of the cause). Then part of his statement:

"Diego Bauducco and his wife were kidnapped along with his wife on November 20, 1975. She had been an architect at age 24. Were transferred to the D2 and there were a week. She was six months pregnant. "
" We'll have to talk about that law, because the Public Ministry asked Dora Caffieri in this debate if he believed in justice. A very timely question, because when he declared in 1975, were never told what crime they were accused. Or the Code in force at that time and with the changes they made in 1981. Neither before nor after the only thing he said, as recorded in the minutes of the inquisitive statement is that it was investigating because of the criminal activities of her husband. "

" at that time assisted by defender Maid officer was later, Ricardo Haro, Zamboni Bauducco Ledesma asked why his home was raided and why he was arrested. That would allow the defender Haro. "
"But the investigation of Dora Caffieri of Bauducco contains a greater irregularity. The subtext is placed between the lines 'the processed requests hearing to denounce the theft that occurred in her house and also the torture he suffered'. "
" You have experience and I do not think they see a person being inquired into having to ask for another hearing to denounce the mistreatment. "

" His counsel was present and advised him not to request such a hearing because the statement was in the police everything was going to go faster. "
" So asked Dr. Cristina Garzon de Lascano of why he had not saved in spacing. And she said she did not remember and that was an administrative error. "
" At that time, Dr. Battiston asked that the judge reminded him what it was a false witness. You said it was not necessary. "

" For me, the presumption that a judge knows the law is a presumption must demonstrate by every act of his life. "
" It was an administrative error. The law says you must save each error, deletion or addition in a preliminary statement, and that is punishable. So far everything has been nil. "

"brings us to April 1976. Haro presented the letter requesting the dismissal of Bauducco. In the house had not found anything. He had found many things that were stolen. They found nothing of subversive material. "
" Haro said to have proved the innocence of the facts against him, but even he knew what facts were against him. "

" I do not like to categorize to justice in general but in particular to give names of people. "
" Otero Alvarez Ledesma tells Zamboni, according to newspaper articles, had died Bauducco in the prison of San Martin. "

" The judge ran views Registrar and Prosecutor Ali Fuad Ali for the criminal action is extinguished. Days later, Sasiain goes to the judge and denounced the incident, stating what section was in charge of the prison at the time and that the body was in the morgue. Sasiain asked the judge to conduct the investigation that the judge never did. Zamboni not considered necessary. "

" Sasiain responsible tremendous what happened in the prison, the author of the handwriting of regulation on April 2 Criminal those rules governed exclusively on the prison of San Martin under the rule of Luciano Benjamin Menendez. "

" Then comes the order of provisional dismissal of it. "

" concurs Zamboni Ledesma, Alvarez Otero, his counsel, that it was Molina, and noted that the her husband's name was no longer asks her where is her husband. And to silence repeats. Then he goes and Otero Alvarez said her husband was killed when he tried to snatch a gun from a guard. "

" Dora Caffieri asked the attendant: "Please take me that make me sick '."

"Moved to Devoto, we reported the provisional dismissal. He appealed and was granted. When he reached the House, the defense kept Molina and that closes everything up to the '78, when it gets out of the country and takes her two years to Venezuela. "
" This court, this sentence has the power to declare the nullity of processing Dora and Raul Caffieri Bauducco and say that this process does not affect your no name and honor. Because even today remain subversive criminals for the Argentine state. "

" In full democracy, Caffeiri Dora, coming to Ezeiza, is arrested for subversive listed as delinquent. "
"No prisoner or who died, nor those who survived, were acquitted of guilt and responsibility."

"Gentlemen vocals, this trial we have, in my opinion, is the most important trial on state terrorism that was in the country. It is the most important process, because they overwhelmingly demonstrates the participation of members of the judiciary in state terrorism. "
" Until this trial was speaking generically. "

" In this statement I hope to reflect that 28 of the 30 prisoners (or Vaca Narvaja or Chiavarini) were under the action of justice. "

" We are going to be facing a vital question for me represented Bauducco Diego, Why I killed my father? He did not belong to any organization. However there is a reason. What would happen if when the first event occurs in the D2 had investigated the deaths, "the nine events have occurred later? Probably would not have happened. "
" The responsibility of judges, prosecutors, public defenders is inescapable. "

" The fact Bauducco was the only death occurred by firearm within the prison. "

" The dictatorship of the man who presided over this sleeping regulated here was a death sentence. But they chose the most cowardly of annihilation. We must save our institutions. "
" The uniqueness of this trial we can see why it was not the only killing of political prisoners who were in the country. The slaughter of Margarita Belén is one where killed 22 political prisoners. Or the popcorn, which killed eleven political prisoners. "

" If they had brought to Sasiain and have not moved to the Sierra Chica prisoners to the killing may have followed. "

"Puga came in 1976. When we cite to declare it, went the next day, filed a brief. He argued that a judge could not be called to testify, because as a judge spoke for their sentences. Appeal and the House agreed with us.

"November 1999. The letter of Puga says four things. Claimed the 1976 coup. The Court relied on this new revolutionary power. He was imbued with the purposes and bylaws of the new power. The oath that he paid judges and officials by statute, they did out of fear or conviction. Otero and were convinced Zamboni sharing. "
" Secretary Federal Criminal Court No. 3 Mariana Buteler told me that his father, a judge in Civil Mendoza city, refused to swear by the statutes and is not dead. Nothing happened. The conviction was not the fear that led the judges to swear by the statutes. "

" Secretary Paul Bustos Fierro, back in 2002 when we presented our letters, I said 'doctor, should be thinking as it was to be a judge at the time, 'and I said wrong and I told him that we should think what being a prisoner in those days. "
" A great professor of criminal law I had in those years, Richard C. Nunez, had the courage to denounce all High Court that year. That should do us. "

" I thank Dr. Gerardo Battistón and Dr. Miguel Martinez who bore the brunt of this process. "

" The day we took the prisoners to make the requisition in Bauducco died in the courtyard, it was under the watch of Henry Peter Mones Ruiz. By striking Bauducco, he was already badly beaten, was semidesvanecido. Miguel Angel Perez was asked to get up or killed, and we know that he asked permission from her boss Mones Ruiz. He nodded and shot him in the face, in the right cheek. There are few homicides that contain many witnesses and so precise. It was all they had to look. "

" It is impossible to believe Miguel Angel Perez, the version given to the fact. It is impossible to believe the apology he made to the family Pérez Bauducco. "
" Mones Ruiz is doubly criminal, because he was the boss. Gave several different versions. At one point he said that when Perez did not see the shooting because he had gone to talk with a girlfriend. Then he said he had gone to bring to a halt. No record has been There was a detention order for that day. The versions are grotesque. This makes the frame made in Article 80. "

" The helplessness and treachery. There is nothing that makes us more vulnerable than nudity and in terms of the participation of two or more people. "
" Twenty-six of the thirty prisoners were available to the Executive, as Videla, as holder of Power , is responsible. They were political hostages. "

" The prosecution had forgotten to bring the criminal liability of Videla, judges (Puga was the only living), prosecutors Ali and Cornejo, Otero Alvarez and public defenders Haro and Luis Eduardo Molina.
The prosecutor is darkened a lot when he ran the court hearing. He stepped on the grounds that she was secretary of Haro and felt moral violence. Judge asked to detail reasons for not delaying the trial. "

" The judge also called away because her husband was a lawyer for Cornejo. But then broken apart and the cause. Without notifying the parties. Why not here in this trial. I did the favor of not pictured with Videla and Menendez in this trial. It took the case. Look what made this court, not because I want to flatter, in contrast to the delays in the statement. "

" What did the Federal Chamber, waiting for the pardon of Menendez, taking her statement to the prisoners who had already testified in the statement. "
" On the use of torture and Bauducco Caffieri Dora the D2 can not ask for pity because it was not proven fact. "
" Suffering and torture applied to the UP1, responsible Mones Ruiz, Gustavo Alsina, 15 years imprisonment, perpetual disqualification .
"On the death of Raul Bauducco, Jorge Rafael Videla as author, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Victor Cano Pino. Three life sentences ask to meet in a common jail. But not a criminal like San Martín, one that contemplates humanely as human beings, despite their status as criminals. "

" Perpetua Miguel Angel Perez and Lt. Col. Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz, with perpetual disqualification and also in ordinary prison. "

" What I said at first I want to say now calmer. I never thought I was coming or going to claim in this lawsuit. I remain confident in the two colleagues who took the brunt of this trial. I think this should cause general thank all the former prisoners who survived and helped to understand these horrors. Especially Fermín Herrera, who won in Rawson who hear a federal judge and opened this cause. "

" remains in control of this Court point out who were the murderers and implement the sentences. "
" And finally, to cancel the processing of Caffieri Dora and Raul Muñoz Bauducco in the cause and restore the good name and honor them and all prisoners who were killed with no chance to defend himself. "

At the end of the day said Miguel Ceballos, the last representative of complaints. Exposure begins thanked the former President Nestor Carlos Kirchner of having been "the driving force behind making these judgments." Coincided with the sentences to the other complaints.

After completion, the court ordered a recess until 30 November, which will begin its case Maximiliano Harabedian and then will turn to Carlos Gonella, both representatives of Public Prosecutions.

Report: Natalia Brusa

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wording For Wedding Guest Bags

Videla ask for life imprisonment and trial Menendez in the province of Córdoba

The lawsuit represented by attorney Mary Elba Martinez on Wednesday asked the life sentence for former President Jorge Rafael Videla de facto, in the trial taking place in Cordoba and also 30 other defendants are tried for crimes against humanity.

also requested the following penalties for the other defendants:

Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raul Fierro, Jorge Pino González Navarro and Victor Cano: life imprisonment degradation and disqualification for the 14 murders and 15 years for Aggravated Tormentos imposition of

For Huber and Gustavo Emilio Alsina: life imprisonment because 9 (the death of René Moukarzel) and the reclassification of the crime of aggravated torture continued imposition of death by homicide with premeditation and cruelty.

Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz and Miguel Ángel Pérez, 15 years for aggravated torments imposed.

Pablo Osvaldo Quiroga and Francisco D'Aloia: life imprisonment for the murder of Hugo Vaca Narvaja, Gustavo De Breuil and H. Arnold Toranzo.

José Antonio Paredes and Carlos Ibarra Perez: 15 años por imposición de  tormentos agravados.

Calixto Flores, Jamil Yabour, Lucero, Carlos  Yanicelli, Molina, Miguel Angel Gómez  y  Rodríguez: los acusa como autores directos de homicidio  y  solicitó la pena  de prisión perpetua.

Ricardo Rocha y Luna: absolución por el hecho cuarto.

En el marco de la causa Gontero, solicitó para Menéndez la pena de  25 años por privación ilegitima de la libertad, imposición de tormentos agravados y lesiones graves (subsumida a la pena mayor).

Hermes Rodriguez asked for a sentence of 15 years.

For Yamil Jabour, Miguel A. Gómez, Carlos Yanicelli, Calixto Flores, Mirta Anton, Gustavo Salgado, Fernando Rocha and Luis Lucero requested a sentence of 20 years for aggravated torture and unlawful deprivation of liberty

To José Eugenio San Julian, 10 years requested by the imposition of torture.

To Luis David Merlo, requested 10 years for unlawful deprivation of liberty.

After exposure of Martinez will be the turn of lawyers and Elvio Fresneda Martin Zanotti, and then made his plea of \u200b\u200bOroz and Lilly lawyers Claudio Luque.

Case of Elvio Zanotti

then began its case on lawyer Elvio Zanotti, representing the private complainant, together with Lilian Luque, the family of José Cristian Funes , another victim in the cause.

Funes, born in the city of Cordoba, was a steelworker, was active in the Communist Party and then Peronism. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt on June 30, 1976, the 24.

"In what is known as the great disobedience, San Martin refused to draw his sword against civilians. San Martin had much sympathy for the nineteenth century as Montoneros these defendants had her Montonero twentieth century. I am convinced that if St. Martin's would have tried, I would have shot.
Fortunately no death penalty, this is a constitutional court and San Martín died without shedding blood of his countrymen. "

" Some prisoners have said here that is subjected to trial soldiers of a victorious army . That is a mistake. Legal persons can not be brought to trial but individuals. It is not known the meaning of a pyrrhic victory. "

" The so-called liberals were the main recipients of the benefits of the military coup. The dissenting opinion is liberal war on Argentina. They kept the lion's share. Thousands of habeas corpus, all with negative results, the family went through the courts with negative results. "

" Political persecution legal, simulated executions, were features that completed the most hideous face of the disappeared. "

"COT now appears as the villain. Defendants have endeavored to explain the organizational and organization of the military as if we were unable to understand. What we can not understand is this desire to hide in the folds of the military bureaucracy. "

Case of Martin Frese

After a recess and resumed the hearing. Former President Videla was not present in the courtroom as he did in the morning on Wednesday. Martin Frese explained, in particular plaintiff attorney defending the families of the following victims: Pablo Alberto Balustra , Miguel Angel and Jose Alberto Svagusa Mozé.

Balustra Pablo Alberto, born in Córdoba. Worked at Obras Sanitarias de la Nación. Steward. Militated Montoneros. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt on 11 November 1976 at age 33. (Acts III and XIII of the cause).

Miguel Angel Mozé: Born in Cruz del Eje, Córdoba. It was a seminarian, student of Information Sciences and leader of the Peronist Youth. Militated Montoneros. He had a son three years. Arrested the UP1 and killed on May 17, 1976, in an alleged escape attempt, at age 27. (Acts III and IV of the cause)

José Alberto Svagusa: born in Monte Maiz, Córdoba. He lived in Rio Cuarto for 17 years and then settled in Córdoba Capital, an activist in Montoneros. Detained in the UP1 and killed on May 17, 1976 in an alleged escape attempt. He was 28 years (Acts III and IV of the cause).

"People impute are Jorge Rafael Videla, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, Vincent Meli, Carlos Mauricio Poncet, Raul Eduardo Fierro, Jorge González Navarro, Juan Emilio Huber, Pino Victor Cano, Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz, Miguel Angel Perez, Carlos Hibar Perez, Carlos Yanicelli, Calixto Flores, Juan Eduardo Molina, Luis Lucero. "

"It is clear that prisoners from the prison of San Martin were political prisoners. Videla Policy 404-75 in the fight against subversion, with regard to the national and provincial correctional services, is the documentary evidence with which I consider this action begins. He said specifically: given the existence of subversive criminals are arrested establishments under the control of the military. Contact determining which of the detainees inside and outside. Direct the activities of intelligence and counterintelligence. Not to intervene in the general conditions of management of facilities provided that they do not affect the control and security. "

" There is a note that asks specific data to inform themselves of the detainees, if belong to any organization and in what hierarchy. There is evidence, such as Henry Asbert, which ensures that Menendez arrived at the jail by helicopter. "

" It Which informs Sasiain Menendez in a memo that prisoners in jail have comfort, makes training activities, they have banned books, etc., 'taking into account that Larrabure was not equal treatment'. "

"There was a new direction in the prison among which were the removal of all personal element, the media, reading material, restricted visitation, requisition to find all types of arms, stiffness in the diet, permission for detainees surrender their children to their families, and so on. "

" Early requisition of April there were very violent, in the case of the women were requisitions harassment, in the eyes of the military and their own children, who were left crying in the arms of prison officials. "

" The Final Witnesses said that the comrades were taken from the prison and never returned. Who learned this thanks to devices that were designed to communicate. The language of the hands, the dove, candy ... So they found out, basically by the eleven o'clock news the night of Radio Universidad. "

" There was a guard lieutenant and Alsina Lieutenant Mones Ruiz. Calvary is accredited and the circumstances that led to the policy after Juan Bautista Sasiain. "

" The visual inspection was very useful to see how dilapidated the facilities were and still are criminal. "

" Another form of transfer and that never reached their destination ever escape attempts ended with the detainees. There was no law and no escape. It was an understatement. It was a systematic approach and a striking regularity. "

" appealed to unfortunate disinformation maneuver through communiqués detainees who always tried to escape by damage to cars or other subversive attacks wanted to save them. And always the detainees die subversive. "

" It is said that the facts are completely tested. I will make a brief reference to the Department of Information. Radio Command was a command and a mobile command fixed. What important is that there were three companies in the mobile command rotated. Conducting preventive patrols were operating in support of the Department of Information. This link is important to recognize. The role and place assigned Rocha witnesses, the accused in the case Gontero. You can not ignore that the events that occurred might not have happened if they had not counted on the collusion functional federal Justice officials, who adhered so unfortunate that these episodes happen. In particular I refer to judges, prosecutors and public defenders. I understand that it was they who were responsible for protecting the lives and health of those who were responsible. I mean the judges Zamboni Ledesma and Miguel Angel Puga. "

" Unlike have been for the victims who had investigated the transfers and deaths. Chain only made evident irregularities. Not all judicial officers acted the same way. "

" Cardinal Primatesta demonstrated the Church was collusion with the military regime. Witnesses told us they were visited by the chaplain Mackinnon and Gallardo. To entrust their ordeal, Fermin Rivera received in response to three hours of torture was not a sin. "

" Maybe we are all hoping an attitude of repentance. Perhaps everyone is waiting for Videla's attitude was Corporal Miguel Angel Perez, who apologized to the family. He said 'who threw the blame on his face and we rejoice to be free men. " Videla thought without shame and without remorse, claiming death as a moral refuge of his life. I wonder if these are the great battles of the generals who pride. Cold-bloodedly killed their countrymen. "

" I admired the Argentine Army. I admired and wanted to be a soldier, and my uncle I could not say that I was missing son. "

" Mr. Videla, do not throw blame on the face, we attribute responsibilities. Nor do we enjoy the results because it left a devastated country. Death and disappearance of people. Is not pull sadism people live in the sea? Did not sadism pond is a person, cut the testicles of Sergeant Albareda? Mr. President, in the end I am convinced that even these gentlemen themselves entrusted with impunity. But how come so many lies? In the background I believe that these same gentlemen knew this day would come. "

Report: Natalia Brusa

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can You Spray Paint Bike

begin the allegations. Menendez

The stage began with the exposure of the complainant's lawyer Maria Elba Martínez. Luciano Benjamin Menendez was not present in the courtroom claiming health problems. Defendants are tried for crimes against humanity

The Federal Court No. 1 of Cordoba began Tuesday with the stage of arguments in the trial of Jorge Rafael Videla and 30 other defendants for crimes against humanity committed during the last military government .

The judges ruled that the lawsuits are the first to make their presentations.

The first to do so was the complainant lawyer representing Maria Elba María Martínez Tressens de Veron, Raquel Altamira de Vaca Narvaja, Argentine Raúl Toranzo, Eduardo F. Breuil, Carlos A. Huber, Maria Jesus Garcia, Elba Puchetta Inés, María Cristina Díaz, María Alicia Zorrilla, Esther Maria Barberis, Mirta Abdon Maggi, Mary A. Moukarsel, Archaeological and Luis Emilio Enrique Alberto Urquiza.

To all this, Luciano Benjamin Menendez was not present in the courtroom, because of their lung disease. According to his attorney, Alejandro Cuesta Garzon, the former head of the Third Army Corps, a table that will require 14 days of rest.

However, Cuesta Garzón said that his client wishes to witness the prosecution's allegation fiscal scheduled for next week. Exhibition

Elba María Martínez

"I will start by describing the chain of command. It is an organized machinery of state power has acted outside the legal and clandestine structures used. In San Martín criminal turns from April 2, 1976 at a clandestine camp. "

The complaint describes the following command structure:

Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla, as army chief
General Luciano Benjamín Menéndez, head of the Third Army Corps (11 provinces)
General Juan Bautista Sasiain, head 311 Area
Marini Colonel Miguel Angel Vicente
Colonel Meli, Chief of Staff of the Fourth Brigade
Carlos Mauricio Lieutenant Colonel Poncet, G1
Lieutenant Colonel Raul Fierro, G2 Lieutenant Colonel
Jorge González Navarro, G5
Juan Emilio Huber, military police company 141, to which Ramos belonged Monso, Parsic, Lt. Gustavo Adolfo Alsina, Blanquet, Hibar Carlos Perez, Miguel Gomez and Miguel Paredes
Airborne Brigade 2 directed by Victor Pino
Section Chiefs Mones Ruiz, Miguel Ángel Pérez charge
Company A, Osvaldo Cesar Quiroga
Company B, Paul D'Aloia

Chief Commissioner Information Department inspector Raul Pedro Telleldin, then there was Stephen, and Commissioner Romano
this department belonged Yanicelli, Luna, Molina, Rocha, Lucero and Gomez.
By order of General Juan Bautista Sasiain the prison became a clandestine structure, isolated

addition, the prosecuting attorneys made a profile each of the victims. Then described the events that had as victims, they realized the documentary and testimonial evidence that supports the accusation and said the suspects they believe are responsible for them.

- Luis Ricardo Veron: law student at UNC, National Bank employee, a member of Montoneros. Arrested October 31, 1975. Tortured in D2. UP1 transferred to and executed on May 17, 1976, at age 27. It is reported that the person died in a clash Veron when trying to escape during a transfer. This release is certified by the Federal Court and not done any research on the fact. The day was Veron is removed in Nursing, from March to May, and had asthma attack, wheezing lungs. He was admitted to the day he took and killed him. There was no such confrontation. It took an extreme degree of illness.

- José Angel Pucheta : born in Córdoba. He was a journalist, translator of English and Turner. PRT-active in the ERP. Detained in the UP1 and killed in an alleged escape attempt on 28 May 1976, when he was 31 years. The three brothers were distinguished by workers' struggles with Agustín Tosco. I withdrew from the prison with orders to Juan Bautista Sasiain, appears in The Voice of Interior an article that says that heavy gunfire was established where Pucher and Sgandurra die. The person who withdraws is Luis Alberto López.

- Claudio Anibal Zorrilla, born in Córdoba. He studied architecture at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and was active in labor politics. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged attempt to escape during a transfer in the vicinity of Parque Sarmiento, 19 June 1976. He was 21. Esther was taken with Barberis, Miguel Abdon Mirta Barrera and Maggi. The Federal Court had ordered Bell Ville lack of merit in his cause, but instead of being released was made available PEN. Were officially reported killed in an alleged attack on the Battalion 141 or in an escape attempt. There was no uniformity in the press about the fact. Receipts and Mirta Zorrilla Claudio Maggi Abdon say it takes them to the Council of War Stable. Later, in the memoranda of the Federal Police say they were killed when they were transferred to Military Hospital, not martial stable.

- Mary Esther Barberis : born in San Francisco, Córdoba province. He studied medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and was active in the PRT-ERP. Detained in the UP1, was killed in an alleged attempt to escape during a transfer in the vicinity Sarmiento Park, 19 June 1976. He was 19 years. Was less when she was arrested. Gustavo was the girlfriend of Chiavarini, also killed. Was dismissed by the courts, but made available to the Executive. As stated in the memorandum dated November 29, 1975. There was no autopsy and wakes were a locked drawer. Refers to witnesses who testified at the hearing and reported that the criminal took the night and she screamed.

- Mirta Noemí Abdon Maggi: born in Córdoba. He studied Architecture and Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Was employed by the Computer Center Cordoba Province and a member of PRT-ERP. Detained in the UP1, was killed in an alleged attempt to escape during a transfer in the vicinity of Parque Sarmiento, 19 June 1976. He was 29 years and a daughter. The memorandum says Federal Police was arrested on June 17, 1976, found weapons belonging to the organization. She was admitted to the Federal Police and then readmitted to the prison in San Martin. Abdon's file shows Maggi circumstances different from those of the memorandum. He says, for example, that she came from the prison of the Good Shepherd and that his health was bad. The periods when no data is because the detainee was taken to a clandestine detention center detention. It is recorded that the inmate gave birth in the National Maternity. Mirta is a note authorizing him Abdon withdraw his daughter.

- Marta del Carmen Rosetti of Arquiola : born in San Francisco, Córdoba province. PRT-active in the ERP. Detained in the UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt on June 30, 1976 at age 27.

- José René Moukarzel: born Frías, Santiago del Estero. He was a doctor, graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and member of the PRT-ERP. Arrested in UP1, died at the Military Hospital on 15 July 1976 after suffering torments in UP1. He was 26 when he was killed.

- Miguel Hugo Vaca Narvaja (h): born in Córdoba. He was a journalist and lawyer, received at the National University of Cordoba, a defender of political prisoners, a militant and seized montonero Authentic Peronist Party. Arrested in UP1, was killed during a transfer in an alleged escape attempt in La Calera, 12 August 1976, at age 35. In one of the places in his prison file is the submission of counsel de Vaca Narvaja and signing himself to accept the power. There was a request for information in the Legislature for the Executive Branch of the grounds and circumstances arrest and the search of his property law firm. By order of Brigadier General Juan Bautista Sasiain, was withdrawn from criminal detainees with Toranzo, Eduardo and Gustavo De Breuil Breuil. Then get a receipt back to the prison for a careful Franciosi and Eduardo De Breuil. Then there is the statement that reports that when the "subversive criminals" were transported to the War Council, the vehicle had malfunctioned and criminals tried to flee. They were pursued by the custody and, not obey orders to stop, were killed in custody. He also says that an officer was injured by the car fire, but that does not coast on reports officers. That report was made by Captain Quirk.

- Gustavo Adolfo De Breuil: born in Córdoba. He studied at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and was active in Montoneros. Arrested in UP1, was killed during a transfer in an alleged escape attempt in La Calera, 12 August 1976, at age 23, along with Miguel and Jorge Hugo Vaca Narvaja Higinio Toranzo. Presented memorandums order requiring removal of criminal and death certificates that account for death.

- Eduardo Alfredo de Breuil: born in Cordoba. Brother of Gustavo de Breuil. At 29 years old, on 12 August 1976 was taken from prison and taken to witness the murder of his brother, de Vaca Narvaja and Toranzo. He was returned to prison with a message to inform the rest of the prisoners what had happened.

- Higinio Arnaldo Toranzo, born in San Francisco Chañar the province of Cordoba. Joined in the parish church and military workshops Peronist Youth. Arrested in UP1, was killed during a transfer in an alleged escape attempt in La Calera, 12 August 1976, at age 20. The extensive testimony realize these facts.

- Florencio Esteban Diaz: was born in San Nicolás, Province Buenos Aires. He settled in Córdoba, he worked at Fiat and Provincial Road. Coordinator Integrated Fighting Unions and union block of Peronism Authentic. He played in Montoneros. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt, on 11 November 1976 at age 45.

- Jorge Oscar Garcia: born in Cordoba. Militated Montoneros. Married, one son. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt, on 11 November 1976 at age 26.

- Hugo Oscar Hubert : born in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita, province of Córdoba. Working as employee of the Municipality of that city. Studying at the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto and was active in Montoneros. Arrested in UP1, was killed in an alleged escape attempt, on 11 November 1976 at age 34.

- Luis Alberto Urquiza : arrested on November 12, 1976 in her home and stay at D2, where he suffered torments imposed. At the time of the events he was working as agents of the Department of Police Information (D2) of the Police of the Province of Córdoba. Studying psychology. He was taken to the Riviera Golf and then, on December 9, 1976, the UP1. He was released on 14 September 1976.

Report: Natalia Brusa