Monday, October 4, 2010

Spectral Tiger Selges

Uruguay to arrests Militants of Askapena

At the detention of 7 militant Organizacón the Internationalist Askapena and processing with imprisonment of 5 of them, from Uruguay we sympathize with that organization and all the Basque people.

On the other hand, with the same force, we condemn and denounce the constant action by the English State to suppress the Basque people and their organizations.

Following Franco's policy of killings, torture, and political and social discrimination.

Before the ETA ceasefire and proposed Abertzale Left resolution by political means of conflict that Euskal Herria with the English state, it has responded with more repression, imprisoning leaders and political activists, labor, youth, and society in general, are all accused of belonging to ETA and with this logic is criminalized passing sweeping across the Basque independence movement is clear that the English government does not resolve the conflict.

Here in Uruguay, know some of the detainees, since every year Askapena made tireless efforts and solidarity to tour Latin America and Third World countries to meet the various conflicts that people have with the system and spread the reality of Euskal Herria.

Right now in our continent where it appears that the coup is not over, no matter where in Europe the working class takes the lead in the fight against the consequences of capitalism, teeming with conflicts of peoples to defend their rights and natural resources, it becomes more than necessary the INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY to confront capitalism and the path of socialism.

For all this, call the Uruguayan people to show solidarity with Euskal Herria Askapena and in defending its independence from the English and French colonialists States

Euskal Herriaren Lagunak_Uruguay ( @ s friend of Euskal Herria in Uruguay)


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