The wind blew yesterday for the crowd that gathered at the around a box to participate in a demonstration which had previously been banned twice by the Government of Lakua momentum and the seal of the English National Court. Before five in the afternoon, the temperature was very high in Bilbo some thermometers marked 30 degrees, and everything indicated that the environment would be in keeping with this day of Hegoa Haize.
Thus it was found when women, representatives of social groups EH Adierazi signatories, who carried the first banner they walked down the street Autonomy. The first steps following the motto "Eskubideak Giza, eskubide zibil politikoak eta" were greeted with a standing ovation, which he joined in cries of "Euskal Aurrera Country "and" independentzia. " A second banner
widely collected the reasons for this mobilization: "Ez manifestazioen debekuei. No taxation, no violence. Eskubideen Giza, eskubide zibil alde eta Politiken. " This was carried by the organizers and others who signed the initiative.
steps I followed a large group of political representatives, reflecting the breadth of the ideological spectrum that is rarely repeated in our country. These were some of the most recognizable faces: Rufi Etxeberria and Jone Goirizelaia, leftwing nationalist, Pello Ikerne Urizar and Badiola, EA; Aintzane Josu Ezenarro and Murgia, Aralar; Mertxe Hill, AB, Mikel Arana, EB, Oskar Matute, Alternatiba ... PNV leaders and Joseba Andoni Ortuzar Egibar long in coming, but did so before the event will start and were placed a few rows back.
were also the head of the march Commonwealth Secretary General, Txiki Muñoz, and the LAB, Ainhoa \u200b\u200bEtxaide and spokesmen for other unions and popular groups.
As in this kind of mass demonstrations, no banners in front of the participants, to 46,000, according to the GARA-count, but went through the demonstration itself, as when it went from The Box, Autonomy whole street was full of people, occupying the driveway and sidewalks to Zabalburu. The security cordon set up by the organization was asking it to open the hole to make the trip achieved placards referred to the steps of City Hall.
Forward or backward
In the moments before the rally, some of the political spokesmen moved the media their first impressions. For the nationalist left, Marian Beitialarrangoitia, wished to emphasize the "undoubted importance" and "urgency" of this movement, and said that "it is the Basque citizens which will make them move those still drive blocking. "
popular in that capacity to move "the English government and the state apparatus" agreed the general secretary of Eusko Alkartasuna. More specifically, Pello Urizar criticized the PSOE is being done "the way of the crab." Josu idea he added Murgia, who, after stating that he hoped to launch "a cry for peace with ETA, the English Government and [the Minister of Interior Lakua] Rodolfo Ares', the latter accused of acting" like a crab going back. "
Meanwhile, Mikel Arana said that no one can remain indifferent to this new situation "and predicted that" the day when all at once nationalist and not nationalist, assume these claims [that were read in the banners], we will have taken a giant step. "
with header already in place, others were repeatedly chanted slogans, including making reference to the rights of political prisoners as "Euskal presoak etxera" and "Presoak Kaler, OSOA amnesty" or "Hathor, Hathor. .. '. There were also references to recent police operations, with thunderous cries of "Atxilotuak askatu."
No taxation without violence
One hour after starting the hike, the head of the demonstration came to the city council Bilbo. Felix's attorney Glen was commissioned to thank on behalf of the organizers to all who participated in the demonstration by "having gone to show the refusal to ban demonstrations in defense of civil and political rights in this country." It caused
they are "important and sensitive time" for several reasons: because "are obvious efforts of many to move towards living together without impositions and without violence", it is necessary to "vindicate the full civil and political rights for everyone in this country, "and because we must" resist and react against the removal and trimming of freedoms as fundamental as those of expression, speech and political participation, which, among others, should immediately and fully restored. "
precisely, "to defend and exercise" of freedom of expression, the organizers invited to speak "to those who wrongfully banned them manifest on two occasions." Glen took leave encouraging follow the path laid out yesterday in Bilbo: "Walk. Together we will succeed. "
The initiative, citizenship
His place at the microphone was occupied by the actor and writer Ramón Agirre Eider Rodriguez, who read the message Adierazi EH, alternating Euskara and Castilian, which fully incorporates GARA in these pages.
The important role of citizenship in this process was underlined that opens from the first sentence - "The Basque people have taken the floor today on the streets of Bilbo, and citizens have to take the initiative to establish already and definitely a new stage of democracy and full freedom in Euskal Herria "- to the latest -" The wind blows in favor of full rights for all citizens. This is our time. Aurrera! ". EH Adierazi
reiterated its commitment to "summon the powers of the state and anyone who baulk at this stage to force them to respect the civil and political rights of Basque citizens. " And they remembered that these basic rights and agreed to consist, in short, 'the immediate improvement of all emergency situations or violence "," guarantee the exercise of civil and political rights, human rights, individual and collective. " These range from "the right to life and freedom" to "immediate legalization of outlawed political parties and organizations", through the repatriation of prisoners and detainees.
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