Thursday, October 7, 2010

Motorcycle Mature Women

Dozens of social and political actors to support and call Askapena go out EHL Press

Political parties, unions, groups and different social internationalists have called for this Friday on 8 a rally in the final report police operation against Askapena. In a large press conference at the headquarters of this group, have announced that the march will start at 7 pm from the Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bunder the slogan "Internationalism is a crime. Errepresiorik ez!

The collective convenors denounced "the detention and imprisonment of fellow Askapena and handling the media work and falsify reality." "We understand that these latest arrests are merely continuing a policy of repression against those who defend a lifestyle based on equality, solidarity, equitable distribution of wealth and dialogue as a way to solve conflicts, "he pointed out.
EA, the nationalist left, Aralar, LAB, ELA, CGT, ESK, STEE-EILAS, the pro amnesty Ekologistak Martxan, Sasoia, Komite Internazionalistak, Bilgune Feminist MOC or Gabe Mugarik include in the long list of groups that push this movement, including many groups are also internationalists of the English state and around the world. In the press conference denounced "the violation of rights that represent these repressive policies and violation of the basic human rights, preventing create an atmosphere of understanding to resolve the political conflict EH ". Therefore, they demanded" freedom without charge from colleagues, and the suspension of the implementation of this campaign of political repression by the English government, which only increase the suffering of a significant part of the Basque people. "


" Many groups within and outside of Euskal Herria know the work he does and he has done for 23 years Askapena publicly and legally, "underlined." His goal, like ours has been and is to share life experiences, sharing forms of struggle, hope to share with people from different parts of the world. That is the basis of internationalism. "

Internationalism is not a crime
In line with the motto of the demonstration, the organizers of the march have stressed that internationalism is a form of human knowledge, a way to understand other women and men, other people, to learn from them and with them to establish a horizontal relationship with trips back and forth. On the way to learn about the ground reality and show us, back to work on our space our local struggles on the basis of which we conceive the world as a world where many worlds fit. A world where there are oppressed or oppressors, a world that respects the idiosyncrasies, which advocates the right of self-determination and political sovereignty defends itself, economic, food, environmental and social. "
" internationalism conceives global neoliberalism as the cause of inequality in land and their political and economic leaders as the culprits and those responsible for policies that increase inequality, poverty and wars destroying peoples geographically, economically, politically and socially as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Latin America or Africa. That is why internationalism conceives all the struggles as part of a single front against capitalist globalization, so we think that to counter such barbarity and destruction, our main weapon is solidarity and our ammunition words la igualdad, el respeto y la confraternidad", han concluido.

Convocantes (Euskal Herria)
Eusko Alkartasuna
Izquierda Abertzale
Amnistiaren Aldeko Mugimendua
Bai Euskal Herriari
Bilgune Feminista
Ekologistak Martxan
Gazte Independentistak
Movimiento de Objeción de Conciencia – Kontzientzia Eragozpen Mugimendua (MOC / KEM)
Eguzki Bideoak
La Hormiga Atómica
Asociación Navarra de Amigos y Amigas de la RASD - RASD Adiskidantzarako Nafar Elkartea (ANARASD)
Centro Cultural Palestino Biladi
Emakume Internazionalistak Groups
Iruñea against
Wars Komite Internazionalistak
Mugarik Gabe Nafarroa
Palestinarekin Elkartasuna Palestinian
Elkartasuna Ekimena

Convenors (World)
internationalist work Askapena has developed over the years is well known nationally and internationally that is why many groups, a few days of "the unjust arrest and detention" of Askapena militants have publicly shown their support for the organization and its adherence to the manifest.
Al Quds (Malaga, Spain)
Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals (AIA) (English State)
Colombian Collective Refugees (Asturias) for Palestine
Castellón (Valencia, Catalan Countries)
Committee of Solidarity with the Arab Cause (CSCA) (Madrid - Asturias)
Committee Solidarida with Latin America (COSAL) (Asturias)
Solidarity Committee of Internationalist Zaragoza (Aragón)
Palestinian Community of Catalonia (Catalan Countries)
Coordinadora Estatal de Solidaridad con Cuba (CESC) (English State)
Ecologistas en Acción (English State)
fighting (Catalan Countries)
Health Work Committees (Palestine)
Global Resistance Movement (Valencia, Catalan Countries)
for everyone, all (Zaragoza, Aragón)
Aturem War Platform (Catalunya, Països Catalans)
Peace Now (English State)
Palestinian Youth Network (English State)
Revolta Global (Catalunya, Països Catalans)
Sodepau (Països Catalans)
SODEPAZ (Valladolid, Madrid, EH)
Solidarity for Development and Peace (SODEPAZ) (Euskal Herria and the English state)
Stop the Wall (Palestine) per Taula
Palestine (Mallorca, Països Catalans)
Xarxa amb d'Enllaç Palestine ( Països Catalans)
Network of Solidarity with Palestine (València, Països Catalans)


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