In a brief statement dated yesterday and signed by the South African facilitator Brian Currin, the signers of the Declaration of Brussels announces that it has resolved "to establish an International Contact Group of five people" after the appropriate consultation "with various parties concerned. " This decision follows "the logistical difficulties of working with a large group of people from around the world and the need to engage in these issues quickly and efficiently."
Details on this group, people who conform and perform functions that will be released this October. In
the press release transmitted by the media Lokarri, Currin also reports that "he has consulted with each of the signatories' on recent statements by ETA and the reply given to the Brussels Declaration itself. In this regard, notes that demand in March to the armed organization "remains as it was presented: to declare a unilateral ceasefire, verifiable and permanent."
The statement added that a statement to that effect, "properly answered by the English government, would allow the new democratic political efforts and progress, the differences are resolved and true peace is achieved" in Euskal Herria.
ETAThat statement alluded to Currin, who met on September 19, thirteen days after it announced the cessation of armed actions, "was addressed to the international community, especially the signatories of the Declaration of Brussels. It welcomes this initiative and showed his willingness to examine together the steps involved in a democratic solution to the conflict, "including commitments to be taken by ETA."
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