Thursday, October 7, 2010

White Stains On Lcd Monitor

The last detainees reveal that lost consciousness several times by "the bag"

Xabier self-incriminating statements and Juan Carlos Besance Atristain, which allude to the deadly attack against a councilman Leitza UPN and training in Venezuela among other things, were imposed by the Guardia Civil after applying very serious torture, according to his testimony, very detailed, released yesterday by the amnesty movement. It stands out for its purpose the implementation of "the bag", which caused several blackouts since the two detainees, and appear also other new practices, such as the use of a paralyzing spray, which was also referred to by youths arrested three weeks ago in a raid against Ekin, also executed by the Guardia Civil.

's statement was both a painful physical condition. Besance explains that "the last day was breaking, could no longer" until the point that "the Civil Guard calmed down a little." Prior says that "forced me to memorize the police statement." After passing through the cells now have problems with your eyes: tears will not look good.

Atristain also have consequences. Explains that "I need some skin in the head" after having noticed that she was given something warm in that area. The rest of abuse referring both are very similar.

The "refrigerator"

In the case of Juan Carlos Besance, recounts that after his arrest and his brother was placed in a Patrol and the first time the deal was "pretty quiet." However, after you put in a car, "and here began the hell that would be extended for five days. They put 'bag' in the head to take your breath away, almost to drown. He repeated that three times, and lost consciousness twice while he was in the car, then vanish again and again in Madrid, where he says he suffered 'bag' a dozen times. The civil guards jumped up him, the cries and threats were constant. "

The interrogation did not begin until you reach the English capital. The amnesty movement tells us that "for five days has had their eyes covered with a mask", so that at the end of the period of confinement had completely lost track of time. Throughout this period, "ate very little and did not sleep."

The treatment described in interrogations is gloomy. He says that lasted for about two hours, in which "it stripped from the waist down and forced him to do push-ups, as he beat kicked in the gut. I wrapped in a blanket, tied him with tape and wrapped it foam hands, I put a bag over his head leaving him breathless and kicked him in the testicles. They struck his body, leaving him drenched in sweat. In that state led to a room called 'the fridge', which was very cold. Began to shiver, I could not see anything, but felt very cold. "

added that during interrogation hear many voices, shouts and threats, and that his brother was arrested in order to pressure: "It was clear from the outset he had nothing."

latter also explained that he was beaten and interrogated at first, but in Madrid "Calmed the attitude." Details that, once there, "left open the cell door, to hear the screams and torture sessions of the other two."

Spray with cold water

As regards Atristain, also explains that the car was going to Madrid they put "the bag" on the head, "very brown, to let him breath, almost to drown ' so he lost consciousness twice on the road. "It is clear that the Civil Guards are highly controlled to keep the bag when the head ...», says amnesty movement. Once in Madrid followed this practice, so he vomited twice 'bile, because I had an empty stomach. "

Like Juan Carlos Besance, this indicates Donostia neighbor wrapped it with foam, which was soaked with sweat when he placed "the bag" on the head and then throw cold water on him, "causing a great contrast in body. "

'suffered heart palpitations twice, and gave him drugs, tranquilizers or something, "adds the report, which states that, despite this, the torture sessions continued until the end. It stresses that beatings, threats and physical exercises were continued, and "threatened him with his girlfriend. They did play a bullet and said they were going to use it to involve her. " As is known, in these five days was brought Xabier Atristain twice by the Guardia Civil to San Sebastian for two separate records.

The court-appointed lawyer is distinguished

As revealing fact, yesterday we learned that the lawyer Atristain Xabier refused to sign his second police statement, "because he saw what was the state your client. " According to the amnesty movement, "said he disagreed with the period of confinement." A couple of weeks, one of the lawyers in the office of detainees also referred Ekin a claim the judge Grande-Marlaska. This group adds that Atristain solitary confinement was illegal because it "can not open two legal procedures by the same principal act" (he was arrested and turned over several months). Should be taken directly to the judge. GARA

sending statements to Caracas and other international bodies

The amnesty movement has decided to send these testimonies of torture to various international institutions, including the Government of Venezuela, its ambassador to Madrid and from that country . "Along with this, we will report on the reports and requests they have made the UN observers."

In parallel, leads to "the people who say they denounce torture is part of a strategy" to respond to these questions: "How is it that a person police statements made against him, knowing that apply to imprison him for long years? How can you explain what happened to Atristain, until the public defender has refused to sign the police statement? ".

The amnesty movement requires clear commitments to the Basque agents and institutions such as the regional ombudsman. Emphasizes that "the act of loosening of a party has not brought an end to repression and persecution of the other party, nor cause-promises. Only pressure from citizens, and the work of institutions and agents will stop the repression. " It adds that "we can not allow another Basque be tortured."

In the courts, the High Court announced yesterday that it wants to question members of the FARC who trained in Venezuela to be told if they can identify and Besance Atristain.

For his part, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero called for a response to Caracas on the findings in cells by these two people, although he was convinced that "no defense" to ETA by the Chavez government and no other . Interviewed on Tele 5, the English prime bet by collaboration with the Venezuelan government and warned that "no ETA will be neither easy nor quiet" anywhere in the world. "They have gone to Portugal and have fallen, were in Mexico and in Mexico we have brought, and if they are in Venezuela, we're going to bring," he said.

Motorcycle Mature Women

Dozens of social and political actors to support and call Askapena go out EHL Press

Political parties, unions, groups and different social internationalists have called for this Friday on 8 a rally in the final report police operation against Askapena. In a large press conference at the headquarters of this group, have announced that the march will start at 7 pm from the Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona, \u200b\u200bunder the slogan "Internationalism is a crime. Errepresiorik ez!

The collective convenors denounced "the detention and imprisonment of fellow Askapena and handling the media work and falsify reality." "We understand that these latest arrests are merely continuing a policy of repression against those who defend a lifestyle based on equality, solidarity, equitable distribution of wealth and dialogue as a way to solve conflicts, "he pointed out.
EA, the nationalist left, Aralar, LAB, ELA, CGT, ESK, STEE-EILAS, the pro amnesty Ekologistak Martxan, Sasoia, Komite Internazionalistak, Bilgune Feminist MOC or Gabe Mugarik include in the long list of groups that push this movement, including many groups are also internationalists of the English state and around the world. In the press conference denounced "the violation of rights that represent these repressive policies and violation of the basic human rights, preventing create an atmosphere of understanding to resolve the political conflict EH ". Therefore, they demanded" freedom without charge from colleagues, and the suspension of the implementation of this campaign of political repression by the English government, which only increase the suffering of a significant part of the Basque people. "


" Many groups within and outside of Euskal Herria know the work he does and he has done for 23 years Askapena publicly and legally, "underlined." His goal, like ours has been and is to share life experiences, sharing forms of struggle, hope to share with people from different parts of the world. That is the basis of internationalism. "

Internationalism is not a crime
In line with the motto of the demonstration, the organizers of the march have stressed that internationalism is a form of human knowledge, a way to understand other women and men, other people, to learn from them and with them to establish a horizontal relationship with trips back and forth. On the way to learn about the ground reality and show us, back to work on our space our local struggles on the basis of which we conceive the world as a world where many worlds fit. A world where there are oppressed or oppressors, a world that respects the idiosyncrasies, which advocates the right of self-determination and political sovereignty defends itself, economic, food, environmental and social. "
" internationalism conceives global neoliberalism as the cause of inequality in land and their political and economic leaders as the culprits and those responsible for policies that increase inequality, poverty and wars destroying peoples geographically, economically, politically and socially as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Latin America or Africa. That is why internationalism conceives all the struggles as part of a single front against capitalist globalization, so we think that to counter such barbarity and destruction, our main weapon is solidarity and our ammunition words la igualdad, el respeto y la confraternidad", han concluido.

Convocantes (Euskal Herria)
Eusko Alkartasuna
Izquierda Abertzale
Amnistiaren Aldeko Mugimendua
Bai Euskal Herriari
Bilgune Feminista
Ekologistak Martxan
Gazte Independentistak
Movimiento de Objeción de Conciencia – Kontzientzia Eragozpen Mugimendua (MOC / KEM)
Eguzki Bideoak
La Hormiga Atómica
Asociación Navarra de Amigos y Amigas de la RASD - RASD Adiskidantzarako Nafar Elkartea (ANARASD)
Centro Cultural Palestino Biladi
Emakume Internazionalistak Groups
Iruñea against
Wars Komite Internazionalistak
Mugarik Gabe Nafarroa
Palestinarekin Elkartasuna Palestinian
Elkartasuna Ekimena

Convenors (World)
internationalist work Askapena has developed over the years is well known nationally and internationally that is why many groups, a few days of "the unjust arrest and detention" of Askapena militants have publicly shown their support for the organization and its adherence to the manifest.
Al Quds (Malaga, Spain)
Alliance of Antifascist Intellectuals (AIA) (English State)
Colombian Collective Refugees (Asturias) for Palestine
Castellón (Valencia, Catalan Countries)
Committee of Solidarity with the Arab Cause (CSCA) (Madrid - Asturias)
Committee Solidarida with Latin America (COSAL) (Asturias)
Solidarity Committee of Internationalist Zaragoza (Aragón)
Palestinian Community of Catalonia (Catalan Countries)
Coordinadora Estatal de Solidaridad con Cuba (CESC) (English State)
Ecologistas en Acción (English State)
fighting (Catalan Countries)
Health Work Committees (Palestine)
Global Resistance Movement (Valencia, Catalan Countries)
for everyone, all (Zaragoza, Aragón)
Aturem War Platform (Catalunya, Països Catalans)
Peace Now (English State)
Palestinian Youth Network (English State)
Revolta Global (Catalunya, Països Catalans)
Sodepau (Països Catalans)
SODEPAZ (Valladolid, Madrid, EH)
Solidarity for Development and Peace (SODEPAZ) (Euskal Herria and the English state)
Stop the Wall (Palestine) per Taula
Palestine (Mallorca, Països Catalans)
Xarxa amb d'Enllaç Palestine ( Països Catalans)
Network of Solidarity with Palestine (València, Països Catalans)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Spectral Tiger Selges

Uruguay to arrests Militants of Askapena

At the detention of 7 militant Organizacón the Internationalist Askapena and processing with imprisonment of 5 of them, from Uruguay we sympathize with that organization and all the Basque people.

On the other hand, with the same force, we condemn and denounce the constant action by the English State to suppress the Basque people and their organizations.

Following Franco's policy of killings, torture, and political and social discrimination.

Before the ETA ceasefire and proposed Abertzale Left resolution by political means of conflict that Euskal Herria with the English state, it has responded with more repression, imprisoning leaders and political activists, labor, youth, and society in general, are all accused of belonging to ETA and with this logic is criminalized passing sweeping across the Basque independence movement is clear that the English government does not resolve the conflict.

Here in Uruguay, know some of the detainees, since every year Askapena made tireless efforts and solidarity to tour Latin America and Third World countries to meet the various conflicts that people have with the system and spread the reality of Euskal Herria.

Right now in our continent where it appears that the coup is not over, no matter where in Europe the working class takes the lead in the fight against the consequences of capitalism, teeming with conflicts of peoples to defend their rights and natural resources, it becomes more than necessary the INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY to confront capitalism and the path of socialism.

For all this, call the Uruguayan people to show solidarity with Euskal Herria Askapena and in defending its independence from the English and French colonialists States

Euskal Herriaren Lagunak_Uruguay ( @ s friend of Euskal Herria in Uruguay)

Nice Dental Collection Letters

European Union organizations give their support to Gernika

About thirty politicians, trade union and social Basque Gernika signed the Agreement for a scenario peace and political dialogue on 25 September in the town of Navarre. Including trade unions and LAB, EHNE, Hiru, ELB, ESK and STEE-EILAS. Only days later, this document calls on the parties to open a democratic scenario and solutions recently received strong support from the trade union, in this case from the European Conference of the Federation of Trade Unions, which met in Rome this weekend.

In total, 27 were organizations of workers participating in this European who have passed a resolution supporting the contents of the Agreement of Gernika. The proposal was brought to his colleagues for the nationalist union LAB, represented by its Secretary of Foreign International Urrutikoetxea Igor.

The text was supported, among others, by PAME (Greece), CGTP (Portugal), USB (Italy), PEO (Cyprus), FTUB (Belarus), Inter-CSC Catalana (Catalunya), CUT (Galicia) , STC (Corsica), the European Office of the FSM, or the International Union of Building and Wood.

The resolution passed explicitly supports the `` Agreement for a scenario of peace and democratic solution to the Basque Country,''stressing that "this agreement, the signatories have demonstrated ability to build consensus that society demands, it which has an unquestionable value when the fault commitments to these demands is the hallmark of the decisions from the areas of political power. "

The English government in the same line of support, the 27 signatory trade unions clearly show his belief that "it is necessary that the English Government to cease its steady posture."

union organizations that comprise the European Regional Office of the Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), also wanted, as the note sent from his office in Nicosia, "encourage the unions signatory to deepen the path taken to new commitments and to participate actively in the construction of this stage of democratic solutions. " Stressed that "workers of the Basque Country in need and crave." In his view, it is also the "stage necessary to achieve social change that benefits workers."

WFTU, created in October 1945, currently has 80 million members spread across 120 countries worldwide.

commitment to transfer international agents

The representative of the nationalist left Kiroga Xanthi was the latest this week to appeal to "feed" the movement emerged with the signing of Gernika to "the public generally and individuals will join this process to make it irreversible." He did it in microphones Irratia Info 7.

The signatories of this document is pledged to fulfill their principles, to transfer them to international actors and people working in the activation of Basque society, so that "the public makes them his own, and is positioned as the only guarantor of the evolution process '.

Jainvillotte Bossu Louis

Agreement to support a new arena crowded the streets of Bilbo

The wind blew yesterday for the crowd that gathered at the around a box to participate in a demonstration which had previously been banned twice by the Government of Lakua momentum and the seal of the English National Court. Before five in the afternoon, the temperature was very high in Bilbo some thermometers marked 30 degrees, and everything indicated that the environment would be in keeping with this day of Hegoa Haize.

Thus it was found when women, representatives of social groups EH Adierazi signatories, who carried the first banner they walked down the street Autonomy. The first steps following the motto "Eskubideak Giza, eskubide zibil politikoak eta" were greeted with a standing ovation, which he joined in cries of "Euskal Aurrera Country "and" independentzia. " A second banner

widely collected the reasons for this mobilization: "Ez manifestazioen debekuei. No taxation, no violence. Eskubideen Giza, eskubide zibil alde eta Politiken. " This was carried by the organizers and others who signed the initiative.

steps I followed a large group of political representatives, reflecting the breadth of the ideological spectrum that is rarely repeated in our country. These were some of the most recognizable faces: Rufi Etxeberria and Jone Goirizelaia, leftwing nationalist, Pello Ikerne Urizar and Badiola, EA; Aintzane Josu Ezenarro and Murgia, Aralar; Mertxe Hill, AB, Mikel Arana, EB, Oskar Matute, Alternatiba ... PNV leaders and Joseba Andoni Ortuzar Egibar long in coming, but did so before the event will start and were placed a few rows back.

were also the head of the march Commonwealth Secretary General, Txiki Muñoz, and the LAB, Ainhoa \u200b\u200bEtxaide and spokesmen for other unions and popular groups.

As in this kind of mass demonstrations, no banners in front of the participants, to 46,000, according to the GARA-count, but went through the demonstration itself, as when it went from The Box, Autonomy whole street was full of people, occupying the driveway and sidewalks to Zabalburu. The security cordon set up by the organization was asking it to open the hole to make the trip achieved placards referred to the steps of City Hall.

Forward or backward

In the moments before the rally, some of the political spokesmen moved the media their first impressions. For the nationalist left, Marian Beitialarrangoitia, wished to emphasize the "undoubted importance" and "urgency" of this movement, and said that "it is the Basque citizens which will make them move those still drive blocking. "

popular in that capacity to move "the English government and the state apparatus" agreed the general secretary of Eusko Alkartasuna. More specifically, Pello Urizar criticized the PSOE is being done "the way of the crab." Josu idea he added Murgia, who, after stating that he hoped to launch "a cry for peace with ETA, the English Government and [the Minister of Interior Lakua] Rodolfo Ares', the latter accused of acting" like a crab going back. "

Meanwhile, Mikel Arana said that no one can remain indifferent to this new situation "and predicted that" the day when all at once nationalist and not nationalist, assume these claims [that were read in the banners], we will have taken a giant step. "

with header already in place, others were repeatedly chanted slogans, including making reference to the rights of political prisoners as "Euskal presoak etxera" and "Presoak Kaler, OSOA amnesty" or "Hathor, Hathor. .. '. There were also references to recent police operations, with thunderous cries of "Atxilotuak askatu."

No taxation without violence

One hour after starting the hike, the head of the demonstration came to the city council Bilbo. Felix's attorney Glen was commissioned to thank on behalf of the organizers to all who participated in the demonstration by "having gone to show the refusal to ban demonstrations in defense of civil and political rights in this country." It caused

they are "important and sensitive time" for several reasons: because "are obvious efforts of many to move towards living together without impositions and without violence", it is necessary to "vindicate the full civil and political rights for everyone in this country, "and because we must" resist and react against the removal and trimming of freedoms as fundamental as those of expression, speech and political participation, which, among others, should immediately and fully restored. "

precisely, "to defend and exercise" of freedom of expression, the organizers invited to speak "to those who wrongfully banned them manifest on two occasions." Glen took leave encouraging follow the path laid out yesterday in Bilbo: "Walk. Together we will succeed. "

The initiative, citizenship

His place at the microphone was occupied by the actor and writer Ramón Agirre Eider Rodriguez, who read the message Adierazi EH, alternating Euskara and Castilian, which fully incorporates GARA in these pages.

The important role of citizenship in this process was underlined that opens from the first sentence - "The Basque people have taken the floor today on the streets of Bilbo, and citizens have to take the initiative to establish already and definitely a new stage of democracy and full freedom in Euskal Herria "- to the latest -" The wind blows in favor of full rights for all citizens. This is our time. Aurrera! ". EH Adierazi

reiterated its commitment to "summon the powers of the state and anyone who baulk at this stage to force them to respect the civil and political rights of Basque citizens. " And they remembered that these basic rights and agreed to consist, in short, 'the immediate improvement of all emergency situations or violence "," guarantee the exercise of civil and political rights, human rights, individual and collective. " These range from "the right to life and freedom" to "immediate legalization of outlawed political parties and organizations", through the repatriation of prisoners and detainees.

NEWS: mile human wall and moving seamlessly

Congress Ispectorate Italians

The mediator Brian Currin announced the creation of a Contact Group to gain efficiency

In a brief statement dated yesterday and signed by the South African facilitator Brian Currin, the signers of the Declaration of Brussels announces that it has resolved "to establish an International Contact Group of five people" after the appropriate consultation "with various parties concerned. " This decision follows "the logistical difficulties of working with a large group of people from around the world and the need to engage in these issues quickly and efficiently."

Details on this group, people who conform and perform functions that will be released this October. In

the press release transmitted by the media Lokarri, Currin also reports that "he has consulted with each of the signatories' on recent statements by ETA and the reply given to the Brussels Declaration itself. In this regard, notes that demand in March to the armed organization "remains as it was presented: to declare a unilateral ceasefire, verifiable and permanent."

The statement added that a statement to that effect, "properly answered by the English government, would allow the new democratic political efforts and progress, the differences are resolved and true peace is achieved" in Euskal Herria.


That statement alluded to Currin, who met on September 19, thirteen days after it announced the cessation of armed actions, "was addressed to the international community, especially the signatories of the Declaration of Brussels. It welcomes this initiative and showed his willingness to examine together the steps involved in a democratic solution to the conflict, "including commitments to be taken by ETA."

Szczegółowy Wykaz Zabytków Pragi

Prison for five of the seven Rain

the Judge Pablo Ruz English National Court ordered the imprisonment of Walter Wendelin, Gabi Basanez, Haritz Ganboa, Unai Vazquez David Soto, while for Ruben Sanchez and Itsaso Lekuona requested evaded prison on bail of 10,000 euros for the former and 5,000 for the second. The special court also issued a warrant for the arrest of young irundarra Uberka Bravo.

The decision of the owner of the Central Court of Instruction No. 5 of the English National Court was not known until near eleven at night, after being questioned for four hours at the seven arrested. The order issued by Ross charged with a "crime of a terrorist organization" for the seven militants of the international organization arrested Tuesday by English police.

These were taken twelve hours before the English Audiencia Nacional, around 11.00 am on a Sunday, and went one by one by the office of Judge Pablo Ruz.

As reported by the attorney Haizea Ziluaga this newspaper raised the judge just before incommunicado interrogation, as declared in a state of communication, ie, assisted by their lawyers in confidence. Thus, most Askapena militants chose not to testify before the judge, while that did deny the facts against them.

The prosecutor, meanwhile, person by Vicente González Mota, called for the imprisonment six of the seven members, while claimed evaded prison on bail of 5,000 euros just for Lekuona Itsaso Hondarribia.

The special court's prosecutor made the request during the hearings to take protective measures, which were developed after each interview.

Thus, the representative of the Public Ministry, were accused of a crime of "a terrorist organization" to Walter Wendelin, who is considered the "responsible organization" Rubén Sánchez, Gabi Basanez, Unai Vázquez, David Soto, Aritz Ganboa and Itsaso Lekuona, for which claimed EUR 5,000 bail with to avoid jail.

The National Court judge had agreed to implement measures to "prevent" possible abuse. Unlike Judge Grande-Marlaska in the operation two weeks ago against Ekin, Paul Ross did accept the request by the lawyers of the seven detainees internationalists who were visited by a doctor you trust, that their relatives were informed of where and how they were, and that the period of detention was filmed on video. Still, the amnesty movement warned on Wednesday that the measures are "not sufficient", since the detainees that they have applied these same measures have reported abuse "More than one occasion."

Defense Counsel has clarified that during the three days that those arrested were held incommunicado in the hands of English police, the deal has been "right" in most cases. Still, one detainee complained to the judge who had been threatened by a police officer during transportation to court. Made by the prosecutor requested that testimony be deducted and the investigation of suspected child abuse.

Meanwhile, relatives and friends of prisoners arrived from Euskal Herria crowded around the English court from early morning to show solidarity with those arrested. There he lived, however, moments of tension when the English police officers guarding the building were forced to leave the area.

in Euskal Herria, there were also expressions of support for those arrested. Specifically in Pamplona, \u200b\u200band internationalist solidarity groups had called a rally to denounce the raid Askapena. According to informed GARA, English police also presented himself at the scene and identified each of the 50 people who were in concentration. Accusations

The car detainees accused of "integrating the National Steering Committee Askapena." In addition, records that these people "spread in several European countries, Central and South America's postulates ETA and Batasuna" including quotes document "Zutik Euskal Herria", driven by the nationalist left.

English agencies, they say, citing the struggle of the investigation, that the observations telephone, regular checks and records have been made during the investigation "identify evidently belonging to working groups called the National Movement Basque Liberation (MNLV). "

Although Askapena develop its work in the field of internationalism in a transparent manner for more than two decades, the same day of the arrests, the English Interior Ministry English and issued a note which described Askapena of 'international arm of ETA. " Rubalcaba made as inferred from the documents seized in May 2008 to ETA activist, Xabier Lopez Peña, who is credited Indoor "how Askapena activities were integrated into the strategic design in the field of international relations ETA has been deployed in order to disseminate their claims, seek foreign support for them, delegitimize the English government and establish channels of communication and collaboration with other terrorist organizations. "

those links with other organizations referred to by the attorney general, Candido Conde-Pumpido, who said that the detainees have relations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Argentina and Ireland Support for internationalists

Before the arrests of seven international organizations, many countries have been showing their support for Askapena. Yesterday members of the Euskal Herriaren Lagunak of Argentina and the Irish organization Ogra Shinn Féin rejected the operation led by Judge Pablo Ruz. From Argentina reported that "the English fascist government, aided by the PSOE and the PP, its judges and police, have increased the escalation of repression against the Basque people. " Recalled that those arrested worked for years "in an absolutely legal" in the field of international solidarity, the defense of the Basque language and the dissemination of ideas of independence, "maintaining a continuing relationship and information dissemination with leaders leaders and government officials, as well as numerous political organizations, unions, students, human rights and social movements in Latin America and the Third World. " Euskal

Herriaren Lagunak, tells through the note issued, they know personally a number of detainees y que valoran «enormemente» el trabajo que «de manera clara y transparente» han realizado para acercar la realidad vasca a Argentina y, a la vez, difundir la historia y la lucha de Argentina en Euskal Herria. «No tenemos ninguna duda que estas detenciones, así como otras que vienen ocurriendo, basadas en la nefasta doctrina oficial de que «todo es ETA», apuntan a desalentar y quebrar el nuevo proceso en búsqueda de una salida política al prologando conflicto político y armado que vive el pueblo vasco», censuran. Por todo ello, desde la organización argentina, convocan a personalidades y organizaciones políticas y sociales de su país a expresar su solidaridad con los militantes detenidos. Así, issued a list of adherents to his statement, among which are representatives of organizations such as Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Revolutionary Peronist Movement, Martin Fierro Association, National Board of the Association of State Employees or the Communist Party, among others .

John McDermott of Ogra Shinn Féin, meanwhile, condemned this operation. "It is clear that the Basque separatist movement's attempts to move without armed conflict are more brutal," says McDermott. He adds that "the English are wrong if they think they can win the fight Basque imprisoning those who are working actively for Independence."