Monday, April 11, 2011

How Much A White Owl Cost

Córdoba confirm Luciano Benjamin Menendez processing

The Federal Chamber of that city upheld a lower court ruling against the former leader of the Third Army Corps. In the case investigated crimes against three victims. The measure also extends to three former police

The Chamber B of the Federal Court of Appeal confirmed the processing Córdoba former head of the Third Army Corps Luciano Benjamin Menendez, in the context of a case for crimes against humanity committed in that province during the last military dictatorship.

Thus, judges Abel Sánchez Torres, Octavio Cortez and Ignacio Olmedo Maria Velez Funes ratified a lower court ruling which ordered that measure for Menendez and former police officers Nolasco Pedro Bustos, Jorge and Jose Vicente Woron Filiberto Olivieri.

In the case investigated the crimes of illegal deprivation of freedom aggravated, imposition of aggravated torture and aggravated murder, against three victims.

In its ruling, the judges stated that "the victims had been detained at the intersection of Pinto and Caraffa Octavio on June 2, 1976 at approximately 11 hours, and forcibly entered a police vehicle identifiable in which they were transferred to where they would have been killed and where were found the bodies of victims Oliva, Ten and Villanueva, the same day and beyond. "

also asserted that " all the testimonies given by land with exculpatory version supported by the accused, which is not supported by any testimony and evidence collected information is confusing and contradictory to resolve in favor of the defendants ".

Monday, April 4, 2011

Nausea After Cocunot Oil

Salta: trial starts

be Tuesday April 5, in Salta.
In the process involving the disappearance Miguel Ragone, a former governor of that province, and a murder case. Luciano Benjamin Menendez will be judged, former head of the Third Army Corps, along with seven other defendants
The Federal Court of Salta will on Tuesday April 5, from 9, the trial for the kidnapping and disappearance of Miguel Ragone, a former governor of that province, which will be judged Luciano Benjamin Menendez, a former leader of the Third Army Corps, along with seven other defendants.

The process is also investigating the murder of businessman Santiago Arredo and the injuries suffered by Margarita Martinez Leal.

Besides Menendez, are processed Carlos Alberto Mulhall, a former army chief in Salta, Miguel Gentil, former police chief of Salta, Joaquin Gil, former security chief of police, Jorge Héctor Zanetto, former spokesman Triple A, and former police Soraire Andrés del Valle, Pedro Javier Herrera and Raul Nelson Herrera.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spleen Enlarged In Graves Disease

are asked to reverse acquittals of three defendants in the trial of Videla

Naravaja The complainants Vaca and Martinez filed an appeal against the ruling that acquitted Cano Pino, D `Aloia.os Quiroga and prosecuting attorneys, and Mary Naravaja Hugo Vaca Elba Martinez today filed an appeal against the ruling that acquitted Pino Victor Cano, Osvaldo Quiroga and Paul D'Aloia, accused of crimes against humanity during the last military dictatorship.

This was confirmed by Hugo Vaca Narvaja lawyer who acted as prosecutor in the case in which the shooting was considered an escape attempt at setting the prison unit number (UP1) from his father, Miguel Hugo Vaca Narvaja Higinio with Gustavo Toranzo and Breuil, 12 August 1976.

In the appeal, the lawyers rejected the acquittal of the accused issued by the Federal Oral Court No. 1 (TOF1), composed by Jaime Diaz Gavier judges, Carlos Lascano and José María Pérez Villalobos, last December.

In this sense considered as a "syllogism failed" the court's decision, arguing that if "yes there was a systematic plan (extermination) in a given territory: the UP1 who was in charge of the IV Brigade where transfers were made to cover up shootings, which integrated the IV Brigade Quiroga, who made transfers that resulted in executions, and Quiroga can not be acquitted. "

Martínez Vaca Narvaja and stated that the military's statement during the trial, "clearly lies are detected that the Tribunal warned in its foundations "as is" false identity unaware of the victims, since signature removed, particularly in the subset of Miguel Hugo Vaca Narvaja.

"You know there were four he admits as moving as the `conditioned`. He knew his identity, because that's what he signed. Quiroga is not acceptable that Vaca Narvaja know who it was, let alone newcomers "Operation Independence, and even less with the public significance of his brother Fernando, one of the leaders of Montoneros.

" Failure. "Note below that the court "fails to consider that not only Quiroga was part of the structure to remove these detainees, but endorsed and accompanied all the circumstances, as Vaca Narvaja harassment on the father or the reference to Mrs Maria Luisa Montaldo, activist known in those days fighting against fraudulent subdivisions. "

"Quiroga, who was under the orders of Cano Pino, I knew who he was and what it was, came from Tucuman to it and got his consent in December 1976 to the rank of captain."

"Another proof is omitted farewell Vaca Narvaja performs the same saying: "Until victory always mates, going to shoot me," and ruled that "the` worried `Quiroga, was promoted in December of that year and on sheet 1 of your file says:" Folio 6. Ascent of first lieutenant to captain. December 31, 1976. "

"This man, he adds, who says he was raised in the truth, he used his chance to honor the truth as the accused and lied. The Argentine military official, however, rejected the laws of impunity as it was for all true soldiers of the fatherland. "

appeal also rejected the view put forward by TOF1, saying that "it is false that the transfers occur overnight, in irregular, concealing or misrepresenting the identity of the military The retreating front of the prison authorities. "
" the Court says that an army acted during business hours, and was legal, and other after hours, and was illegal.

An absurd that no justification in the records of the case. The ruling on this point becomes quite arbitrary. In addition, Quiroga is recognized as an operational picture of the Fourth Brigade, responsible for implementation of a systematic plan described by the Court, "the lawyers added.

also argue that there was" improper grounding, decision logic, syllogism incorrect Reliance on inconsistent statements, which become irreversibly arbitrary subjective basis, allowing the acquittal of the accused if the complaint had requested life imprisonment for the accused.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pay For Jcpenney Stylist

In Tucumán, asking common jail for repressors and De Candido Albornoz

Human rights organizations appealed due for release in Chief

ANDHES lawyers, FADETUC and relatives of missing lawyer, Laura Figueroa, presented on Monday 14 March, before the Chamber III of the National Chamber of Criminal Appeal Resource Extraordinary requesting that the Supreme Court's Office review the recent ruling that overturned the prison sentence for those convicted of crimes against humanity, Robert H. Bathrobe and Luis Armando De Candido.

The complainants considered that there are arbitrarily expressed in the resolution of the Court of Appeals.

as De Candido Albornoz Both were convicted in the trial carried out by the Federal Court (TOF) of Tucuman in 2010, for crimes against humanity committed against 22 victims in the Clandestine Detention Center, Police Headquarters, for the last military dictatorship.

The complainants raised the measure on the grounds that both repressors were found criminally Qualified responsible for serious crimes against humanity in light of the circumstances tested in oral debate on the level of criminal involvement of the same, highlighting the risk in writing a procedure that follows the release of the repressors, given the remaining activity repressive power structure at national and local, with the risk that implies for victims and witnesses.

also took into account the vulnerability of the regime warned house arrest during the trial and the statements of John Martin, Fote, Homquist, Aldeco and Clement, among others, the attitude of who Albornoz constantly threatened and threatening witnesses and victims of state terrorism. It also stressed that other witnesses warned the fitness of De Candido (high intelligence training) to put at risk the execution of the sentence.

Condemnation of TOF and its partial reversal

is important to note that the July 8, 2010 the TOF in the case ruled Albornoz sentencing to life imprisonment and Luis De Candide 18 years in prison for both ordering the transfer to the prison unit of Villa Urquiza, in order to neutralize the risk procedure that involves the situation both convicted of crimes against humanity.

For its part, the room III of the Criminal Court of Appeals decided "only partially annul the decision with regard to revoke the house arrest of Albornoz and the arrest of De Candido, and order, until the conviction becomes final, the defendants continue with the scheme provided prior to trial. " This means that, ignoring the reasons given by the TOF for effective prison, the National Chamber of Criminal Appeals makes free the repressor of yeast and allows the repressor Albornoz Back to home confinement, which, as emerged from the trial, and mocked before.

Introducing the extraordinary appeal, the plaintiffs indicated that "intelligible that these former members of the police force with strong contacts within the power structure, no risk trial for the purpose of execution of sentence cars, is to ignore what happened during the oral debate and ignore the proper assessment of the evidence produced and their ability conviction, points required in order to guarantee due process of the parties. "

The resolution of the National Chamber of Criminal Appeals has clearly detrimental to the fundamental rights and guarantees. Therefore, the lawyers recalled "the special duty of care incumbent on the judges ... to neutralize any possibility of leakage or obstruction of the investigation in cases considered here."

The partial annulment of the decision issued by the TOF "while paving the possibility of interference with the execution of the guilty verdict reached, also undertakes international responsibility of the Argentine on trial and condemned responsible for the commission of crimes against humanity in the context of sustained state terrorism, "said the complainants. About

convicted Heriberto

Roberto Albornoz repressor known as the "Eye", was head of the Confidential Information Service (CIS) during the first part of the dictatorship. So, was sentenced to life imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and criminal material being co-responsible for the crime of conspiracy as an organizer, perpetrator being criminally responsible for crimes of violation of domicile in perfect competition with crimes illegal deprivation of freedom aggravated imposition of aggravated torture, torture followed by death, murder aggravated by treachery, in order to achieve impunity and premeditated contest two or more parties by classifying them as crimes against humanity.

For his part, Luis Armando De Candido was a police officer and member of the same intelligence structure in the province. He was sentenced to eighteen years imprisonment and perpetual disqualification and coauthor material being criminally responsible for the crime of aggravated conspiracy, criminal perpetrator of the crime of violation of the home of Chacabuco Street No. 476/478, in perfect competition with the crime of unlawful deprivation of freedom aggravated torture followed by death qualified as crimes against humanity

CRS, integrated by police under the control of military supervisor and in the context of intelligence work, research and identify people who are responsible for keeping track of potential victims, kidnap, transferred to Headquarters and conduct interrogations under torture.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Four Word Quotes Part

They conducted visual inspection of the trial against Tucumán Menéndez

The recognition was carried out Wednesday in the place where the killings allegedly occurred five victims for which the former chief judge of the Third Army Corps. He is also accused former police officer Heriberto Roberto Albornoz

The Federal Court of Tucuman held Wednesday in the afternoon, a visual inspection under the new trial against the former leader of the Third Army Luciano Benjamin Menendez, accused of the murder of five people during the last military dictatorship.

recognition of involving members of the court, complaints and defenses, was held in the city of San Miguel de Tucuman, on the street Azcuénaga 1800, which investigated the events have occurred.

is the cause "Romero Niklison", where the former chief judge of the Third Army for crimes committed against five victims. He is also accused former police officer Heriberto Roberto Albornoz.

description of the events (requiring prosecutor)
On May 20, 1976, in the hours around noon, there was a raid by the staff of the V th Infantry Brigade and personnel belonging to police in the province of Tucumán, in the home where they lived María Alejandra Niklison and Gerardo Alfredo Romero (parents of the complainant), located at street Azcuénaga No. 1816, Barrio Echeverría of the city of San Miguel de Tucumán.

Moments before the raid at that address were assembled five militants belonging to the Organization of Political-Military Montoneros Tucumán, who were attending a leadership meeting of the East: María Alejandra Niklison, Fernando Saavedra Lamas (a) "Pepo" Juan Carlos Meneses (whose assumed name was Miguel Angel Gonzalez Cano, a native of the province of Santa Fe) Atilio Eduardo Gonzalez Brandsen and Peace (a) "Thomas" or "Martin" joint forces of army and provincial police, taken by assault the house, previously released explosive, enter housing, simulating a battle all the inhabitants killed by gun shots.

One occupants can get out of the home run, but is killed by the same assailants near the nearby church, later identified as Fernando Saavedra Lamas. Had raided the home front army trucks, police vehicles, a large number of troops of both forces, and many local residents.

The bodies of the victims were taken to Police Headquarters in Tucumán, and then four of them (three male and one female) were buried in mass graves in the Cemetery north of this city.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Famous Basketball Painters



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Top Ten Ways To Masterbate

When they went to the witnesses testify, Menéndez hospitalized for hypertension.

Justice on Wednesday suspended Argentina March 2 trial against the former general Luciano Menendez for crimes against humanity because the defendant, who has four life sentences, had to be hospitalized with symptoms of hypertension, a source judgmental.
"It had a peak pressure and the health system's physician advised her placement," the secretary of Human Rights Federal Court of Tucumán (north) where he was tried for the murder of five people during the dictatorship (1976 -83).
Menendez (83 years), former head of the Third Army Corps jurisdiction over central and northern Afghanistan, one of the regions hardest hit by the State terrorism at the time, and was convicted on four occasions to life imprisonment sentence which meets in ordinary prison since December 2009.
Former repressor, problems began to manifest hypertension "for two or three days," said the judicial officer it was decided to hospitalization in a private hospital in the capital of Tucumán.
The trial, which was expected to eyewitness accounts, was initially suspended until Thursday.
In the case, judged by the events of May 20, 1976 in Tucumán, where a panel of Army troops and police stormed a provincial home and killed five suspected members of the guerrilla group Montoneros and then the remains inhuman mass graves.
This trial is also accused former police intelligence chief Roberto Albornoz Tucumán, sentenced to life imprisonment in another case for crimes against humanity.
Menendez and was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of unlawful deprivation of liberty, imposition of torment, torture and killings followed the death ..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Common Sources Of Errors In Theodolite Work

Another day in the trial against Menendez in

Gerardo Romero, husband of one victim was killed along with four others, which occurred during the last military dictatorship, said that in the house where the attack occurred "had no arms and told the press" of the Third Army Corps.

Romero said today as a witness in the second day of trial to be held in Tucumán by the so called because "Romero Niklison" against the repressive Luciano Benjamin Menendez.

"The Army said there was an armed confrontation, but the place had no arms.'s Companions were directly shot and no defense," said Romero to declare today to the Oral Criminal Tribunal Federal de Tucumán.

The court will seek to determine the liability of the former head of the Third Army Corps, Luciano Benjamin Menendez and the other defendant, former commissioner Heriberto Roberto Albornoz, which occurred on May 20, 1976.

During the story, Romero said that "in the house had no tunnels or weapons or ammunition, there was only a camouflage tank where there were documents, books and magazines were forbidden to read the Argentines at the time."

He recalled that "this day was a political meeting in my house and I went with my daughter Alexandra, who was one year and eight months because she had to meet a friend for a monitoring session that usually did.

"It was a quick meeting, but it took me going back because my partner ran out of gas in the car and took him to a service station to buy fuel, "he said.

" When I got home, a neighbor alerted me that had entered and killed them all. I detoured to see the presence of soldiers and was able to observe from a distance who were ransacking my house. I never got off the car and see if I could move the bodies, "he said.

" I did not see what happened, but the stories I heard it was an execution, no ability to defend them, " added.

The witness said that when she was killed, his wife Maria Romero Niklison was five months pregnant and he decided to send his daughter to Santa Fe, where he was raised by her sister.

also noted that he met his wife when he entered Montoneros militants in the National University de Tucumán.

During the day also said Maria Alejandra Romero Niklison, which acts as a prosecutor in the case and is the daughter of Mary Romero Niklison, one of the victims.

happen He said that the attack was very small but that eventually came to know details of what happened in the story of friends and neighbors.

In the family home, located in the neighborhood Echeverría, the capital of Tucumán, 20 May 1976 Mary Romero Niklison held a meeting with four other militants of the organization Montoneros.

According to the record, joint forces of army and provincial police took by assault the house and, simulating a battle, killed all who were there.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Initiation Sorority Dresses

Tucumán Córdoba: Videla blame on repression and "annihilation of all political opponents," The Court of Appeals

The Federal Court 1 (TOF1) syndicated Jorge Rafael Videla repressor as the "responsible" for setting objectives and providing the means for the "annihilation of all political opponents of the regime "military by releasing today the foundations of the ruling, along with Luciano Benjamin Menendez, sentenced him to life imprisonment last year in Cordoba.

judges, arguing sentences for 30 defendants, courts held that the facts "were committed as a result of strategic and tactical planning issued by the military leadership" and that "Videla was responsible for setting targets and provide infrastructure and resources for the subsequent chain of command under his orders. "

In this regard, adding that the directive issued Videla 404/75 (Anti-Subversion) with which implemented the "political objective enforcement of activities considered illegal and annihilation of all political opponents of the regime "and of everything that was considered" enemy. "

To carry out the "illegal scheme designed by Videla drew a zoning of the country" and that most detainees were joint provision of the Judiciary and the Executive Branch (PEN), so is "unlikely" to ignore the systematic method was used to kill prisoners who were at his disposal.

Speaking in general about all of the convicted, the judges held in the ruling that all were part of the "organization a comprehensive systematic criminal plan, which, protected by state mechanisms aimed at eliminating political opponents. "

added that within that plan of annihilation fulfilled different roles and tasks within the "illegal repression characterized by discretion and freedom granted by the Junta (Videla) to the heads of area (Menendez), as well as freedom to lower military and police personnel in the various hierarchies and degrees. "

In this context, "it warns there without difficulty, a horizontal level of responsibilities and the existence of conspiracy mediate. They all knew, met, shared positions as members of the Board and jointly planned and ordered the execution of the described criminal plan, "said Jaime Diaz Gavier judges, Carlos Lascano and José María Pérez Villalobos.

As Menéndez responsibilities judged on the facts, between 2 July and 22 December last year involving the death of 31 political prisoners, the court held that "a degree of responsibility shared parallel charges in parity with other area commanders of the country. "

Menéndez, from the role of Head of the Third Corps Army and at the same time, Commander of Area 311, "developed a strict control of the units in charge, gave orders and instructions, created the conditions for that are followed, monitored the results and provided the conditions for the plan annihilation is fully complied by the various departments under his charge. "

Under this legal analysis, the judges concluded that "the facts brought to trial executed as a result of directives and orders issued by Menendez, allowing us to conclude that the acts attributed intervened," noted between salient points the basis of 674 pages long.

In December last year `Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment 'as responsible for the crimes of aggravated torments imposed by the condition of political persecution of the victim (30 events in real competition), first degree murder and treachery plurality of contest participants (29 events in real competition), and torture followed by death (1 fact).

Menéndez received the same punishment for the crime of unlawful deprivation of liberty qualified for being a public servant, aggravated by the use of violence for longer than a month and have been committed to compel the victim to do, not do or condone something that was not required (6 events in real competition).

crimes are added imposition of aggravated torture by the condition of political persecution of the victim (38 events in real competition), qualified by treachery and murder by the plurality of contest participants (30 events in real competition), torture followed by death (1 event) and qualified serious injury (1 fact) all in real competition.

In the same process were also sentenced to life imprisonment the military Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raúl Fierro, Jorge González Navarro, Gustavo Alsina, Pedro Mones Ruiz Miguel Angel Perez, like Carlos Yanicelli police, Miguel Angel Gomez, Luis Lucero, Calixto Flores, Yamil Jabour, Moon and Ramon Marcelo Molina.

Case For Hermes Rodriguez was 12 years, Jose San Julian, 6 years, John Huber, 14 years, Victor Cano Pino, 12 years Hibar Carlos Perez, 10 years; Mirta Anton, 7 years and Fernando Rocha 8.

The favored acquittals Osvaldo Quiroga, Francisco D'Aloia, Cayetano Rocha, Luis Alberto Rodriguez, Jose Paredes, Luis Merlo and Gustavo Salgado.

For the trial process had cumulative causes the death of 31 political prisoners housed in Unit Prison San Martín (UP1), using the `Act` leaks, and the record of kidnapping and torture of a civilian and five members of the then Department of Police Information (D2) in all cases in 1976.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Do I Change The Vibrate On My Alias 2

benefits two

Where you should be

Roberto Luis Armando Albornoz and Candide were in a common jail for crimes they committed in Tucumán. The first will remain in prison at home, the second was released

Cradle of state terrorism in 1975 with "Operation Independence" dictatorship devastated by Antonio Domingo Bussi, Tucumán not have a single repressor sentenced to prison. Despite the "imminent risk" to witnesses cited by the Federal Court in its ruling last June, when he ordered the genocide serve their sentences in an ordinary prison, the Chamber III of the National Chamber of Criminal Appeal overturned the decision with unusual speed and allowed to leave the prison of Villa Urquiza Robert Heriberto Luis Armando Albornoz and Candide, the only two defendants who were not at home. Tucumán regional children described as "shameful" decision Liliana Catucci, and Angela Mitchell Gustavo Ledesma.

's top criminal court in the nation often take time to confirm judgments in cases involving crimes against humanity. Forty failures in the last five years, Cassation confirmed eleven, of which only three were reviewed by the Supreme Court and are technically "strong." The delay allowed to remain free and will not reconsider the mode of execution of sentence of oppressors who paid large sums to avoid prison, and Jorge Olivera Róvere, Brigadier Caesar Comes and Hippolytus or Colonel Bernardo Mariani Menendez, who has the luxury of a lawyer to defend his comrades in misfortune.

tucumano If the court showed that there is always slow. In July last year, after listening for months to survivors and relatives of victims of the former Police Chief of Tucumán, the local TOF sentenced to life imprisonment Albornoz, the former head of the clandestine center, and 18 years in prison Police De Candido. Because the law allows the benefit of house arrest for those over seventy years (Albornoz was 78 years old, De Candido, 71), the members of the court discussed how compliance of the sentence. Criterion was imposed and Josefina Carlos Jiménez Montilla Curi (Gabriel Casas dissenting vote), to revoke the house arrest of former right hand Bussi and the release of his subordinate. In their case highlighted the history of intimidation of witnesses, both of The Eye Albornoz, who had also violated his house arrest, as De Candido, recognized by the victims as one of the most ferocious of the former Chief torturers.

After seven months of failure and without ruling on the merits of the decision, the Appeals Chamber III decided to roll back the situation at the beginning of the trial, read unlock and lock De Candido in her house robe, who led torture sessions against hundreds of Tucuman. "The interpretation of the rules, especially when it concerns the freedom of individuals or morigeración the place of detention, must be restrictive. To revoke the house arrest or order the detention of an accused must be objective factors that would sustain it there, or to suspect "risk of litigation, which is not present in cars," wrote Catucci, Mitchel and Ledesma. Children

Tucumán expressed its "strongest condemnation" of the resolution and noted that "the strong intention of favor genocidal terrorism responsible for the deplorable state has a history: it was the same House that excarceló Astiz and Tigre Acosta, afford the luxury of solving the forms of execution of punishment without first resolving the merits. " Since the reopening of cases in 2003 occurred in Tucumán only two trials that resulted in five convictions. "A constant delay with Azcuénaga megacauses as Arsenal who has spent years waiting to be elevated to trial-lamented children," adds Cassation's decision to send home to the only two genocide who were serving their sentences in prisons common. Is it righteousness? "

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Giorgio Bresquar Basketball

repressive repressor loses lawyer

The operation to transfer the former head of the Third Army Corps would materialize on Saturday from Cordoba to Tucuman, where he will stay at the home of his son, in Yerba Buena. February 15 will begin to be tried for the shooting of five militants Montoneros occurred in 1976. The repressor was left without counsel, after his lawyer Horacio Guerinau resigned last Friday. "The Eye" Albornoz, the prison to the bench.

At the beginning of February 15 the third public trial against him in Tucumán, the former head of the Third Army Corps, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, would be transferred on Saturday from Cordoba to the province and will stay at the home of his son in Yerba Buena. Menendez

be tried this time for the execution of five political activists of the organization Montoneros occurred on May 20, 1976 in Barrio Echeverría, in the context of the case "Niklison Romero."

By this time is unknown who will be your advocate. It happens that the repressor was left without counsel after he resigned last Friday Guerinau Horacio, who defended him in the first two trials that were conducted in the province and ended with a life sentence to retired military. Oral Court sources said that if in three days does not appoint another lawyer, shall be appointed a public defender office official.

also confirmed that during his stay in the province comply Menendez house arrest in her son's house, located at Yerba Buena. This is because even the judges of the Federal Court did not decide the modality of implementation of the first sentence firm against Menendez, in the context of the case Vargas Aignasse.

who will be transferred daily from the prison of Villa Urquiza in the courtroom will be the retired police officer Heriberto Roberto Albornoz, a former Chief of Police Confidential Information of Tucumán between 1975 and 1978), who meet there the life sentence handed down in the last trial held last year in the province in megacauses Police Headquarters.

Meanwhile, in the place of the Attorney General Leopoldo Peralta debut Palma, who will assume the role on behalf of the Public Prosecutor in the first two trials was in the hands of Alfredo Miguel Terraf, who finalized his retirement pension.

The Tribunal shall consist of judges again by Gabriel Casas, Carlos Jiménez Montilla, incorporating Luis Lopez (santiagueño judge acting as a surrogate).

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mario Salieri Band Of Bastards Streaming

Luciano Benjamin Menendez. Return to the bench in Tucuman. Videla

be from February 15 to begin a new trial Luciano Benjamin Menendez repressor

initiate a new trial for former head of the Third Army Corps, the repressor Luciano Benjamin Menendez. This is the cause Niklison Romero, which is judged to Menendez, along with former police Roberto Albornoz for the murders of five people during the last military dictatorship. The process will take place at Federal Oral Court of Tucumán, 15 February, as published on its website the Judicial Information Center. In the instant case is also accused the retired police officer, Heriberto Roberto Albornoz.

It should be noted that the last trial was in Cordoba repressors. The process began in July 2010 and ending December. During those months, it was found the dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, Menendez and 29 repressors.

In number of defendants, was the largest in the history of Argentina. Were judged shootings of prisoners and police torture.

The trial took place in Federal Court 1 of Cordoba, where they was sentenced to life imprisonment and common jail Menendez and Videla.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pcos And Hypothyroid Connection

Prior to the week of solidarity with Euskal Herria

Ehl Members Uruguay joined the international campaign of solidarity with Basque political prisoners.
Here, the activity in Guernica Plaza located in the neighborhood Parque Batlle, with photos of some prisoners.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Repair Boat Trailer Rust

An energy crisis is looming;
the "peak oil" knocks at our door.

In 2005 I wrote the following as this blog entry: " In the coming years, mankind will be immersed in a large global energy crisis." Now, six years later (March 2011) can be said that humanity is immersed in a global energy crisis, caused by the clash between two opposite components, one social, the growing demand for resources of the world population and the other physical-geological, limited and finite reserves of energy and mining resources. As if they were two high-speed trains running on the same track in opposite directions.

Global demand for oil and mineral resources, is linked closely to economic growth. A higher growth, higher demand for these resources, the depletion of hydrocarbon deposits in the world. The impact does not bode well. In addition to this, the findings of new oil fields had their best years in the decade of the 60's, and now the findings are almost zero, or are in areas of complex extraction. Today we discover a barrel of oil for every 5 that are consumed.

oil declines, and this is serious for modern society, given the enormous dependence of industrial activities and transport, energy from oil.

Everything we do today, is an invisible link to oil. Shoes, tires, fertilizers, mechanical power, fuel, transportation, food, travel, glass, all modern industrial product or activity is dependent on the fossil resource is being depleted rapidly. Even build or maintain a central solar or wind power requires much oil, since all its components are transported in vehicles that consume fossil fuels.

The outlook is bleak because to date there is not enough developing oil projects in the world, to cope with the depletion of existing fields, while oil demand is growing. The decrease in consumption in the U.S. and Europe due to global economic crisis has been replaced by increased consumption in China, India and other developing countries.

The world consumes in just one day 85 million barrels of oil, which generates an annual total of 30.000 million. If you compare this amount, with Mexico's proven reserves, which are of 16.000 million barrels in total, one can understand the urgency of the situation, ... global consumption can deplete Mexican only 6 months.

70% of world oil production, comes from very old or very ripe to be exploited for more than 30 years, which they have to inject water and gas to keep them active. A good example of the seriousness of the situation, is what happens in the Cantarell oil field in the Gulf of Mexico. The extraction was started in 1979 and production peaked in 2004 with little more than 2 million bpd. By the end of 2009 the country produced only half a million barrels a day (see chart) . The prognosis for Cantarell is its rapid extinction. The same applies to almost all fields in the North Sea and affects the production of Norway as in England.

Likewise, prospecting for new oil find does not give room for optimism. To consume oil must first be found, and the result of that search in the last 10 years has been stunted. History shows that the period in which most oil was found early 60's, where is easily achieved 50 billion per year. The rate of discovery has now fallen to only 7 billion barrels of oil per year, and worse, oil is discovered is of lower quality, is in remote regions, risky, high-complexity development. In a year

humanity consumes 30.000 million barrels of oil and only replaced in new discoveries, 7.000 million, ie for every 5 barrels consumed, is found only 1.

The ability of global oil production is giving way to the depletion of existing production, increased consumption and the lack of findings, therefore, the company is about to experience a wide oil shortage.

The complexity and size of the structure of transport, trade and industry worldwide, does not permit an easy solution to the enormous energy from alternative energy sources like ethanol, solar energy or wind.

After 35 years of development and research of new technologies, the joint contribution of all energy alternatives not exceed 0.5% of global energy consumption. No source has many benefits and many facilities like those offered by the oil.

Still, the urgency and preoccupations or n by maintaining energy security é policy in developed countries has led governments of these countries to implement "haste" and sometimes without a proper analysis, several alternative sources of oil .

However, the new generation capacity or
n "renewable" to be installed each year around the world, is lagging far behind, as is comparatively modest in relation to increased global demand for energy and depletion production of oil. In conclusion, it is not enough to replace what we lost with the decline of oil and we're running virtually no energy to mount a new infrastructure that would enable an orderly energy transition.

Oil now provides 36% of global energy consumption and is the vital fuel for the extraction and production of other energy sources like coal (24%) and gas (22%).

Most major environmental damage to the planet are related to spills during production, refining and distribution of this resource. In addition, the combustion of hydrocarbons in the transport, which causes greenhouse gases.

economies, highly dependent on the energy
f sil or operate under the logic of "steady growth" (or infinity), ie each year should be on economic performance a country, a positive increase over the previous year, but then how far can we go? ... if the economy grows, so does energy consumption .

The bad news it seems, is that world production of oil start to decline between 2007 and 2010, as geologists and engineers skilled in the art, which form the Association for the Study of Oil Depletion, called ASPO ( http://www. / ) .

Edgar Ocampo

Monday, January 3, 2011

Friction Blisters From Too Tight Pants

offer: two trials in Tucumán Córdoba

"patriotism demanded me"
Menéndez also be prosecuted and the "Eye" Albornoz

former de facto president sit in the dock on 15 February in connection with the case "Romero Niklison" by the killing of five montoneros in 1976. A month later, will be tried for the death of Osvaldo De Benedetti, occurred in 1978.

Former coup leader, Jorge Rafael Videla, one of the chief ideologues of the 1976 coup and responsible for human rights violations committed during the "years of lead" in Argentina, will be tried for the first time in Tucuman the reopening of the causes for such offenses, starting next February 15.
The process, which will be carried out by the Federal Court of Tucumán (TOF), is part of the cause, "Romero Niklison", which is investigating the murder of five people. Besides
Videla, will also be sitting on the dock Luciano Benjamin Menendez, the former head of the Third Corps Army, police and former Roberto Heriberto "The one-eyed" Albornoz.
Another peculiarity of which will be the first of six trials for crimes against humanity, and are dated to 2011 in our country, is the fact that for the first time, the former de facto governor of Tucuman, Antonio Domingo Bussi , for health reasons, will not be among the defendants.
The facts which will be judged Videla and the other defendants occurred on May 20, 1976, when, at noon, there was a raid by the staff of the V th Infantry Brigade and police forces Tucumán at home where they lived María Alejandra Niklison and Gerardo Alfredo Romero, street Azcuénaga 1876, the provincial capital.
Moments before the raid at that address, located in the neighborhood Echeverría, five militants were gathered outside the political-military organization Montoneros de Tucumán, who were attending a leadership meeting of the East. They were María Alejandra Niklison, Fernando Saavedra Lamas, alias "Pepo" Juan Carlos Meneses (whose name was fake Cano Miguel Angel Gonzalez, a native of the province of Santa Fe) and Eduardo González Atilio Brandsen Paz, known as "jacks" or "Martin."
Joint Forces and the Army Provincial police dropped explosives and took by assault the house, entered the house and, simulating a battle, killed all the inhabitants with gun shots. One of the occupants, Saavedra Lamas, escaped from the house, but was killed by the same assailants in front of a nearby church.
Witnesses said they had raided the home front army trucks, police vehicles, a large number of troops of both forces, and many local residents.
The bodies of the victims were taken to Police Headquarters and thence Tucumán four (three male and one female) were buried in mass common in the North Cemetery in this city.

Another trial in March

A month later, on 15 March, also in Tucumán, start the trial in connection with the case "De Benedetti", which is investigating the death of Osvaldo De Benedetti, occurred in 1978 and they are accused Videla, Menéndez, Jorge Eduardo Gorleri, Hector Hugo Chilo Lorenzo, Jorge Alberto González Navarro and Carlos Lucena.
De Benedetti was indicted for conspiracy and booked into the prison unit No. 1 in the city of Cordoba, available to the Federal Court of Tucuman and the Executive Branch by decree N ° 1761/74. To be a "hostage" with other prisoners from various prisons throughout the country, De Benedeti was removed from the prison facility on July 3, 1978, by order of Area 311 and moved to Tucumán Prison Unit where he joined the same date. Subsequently, as always is clear from the incriminating parts at a date and time not yet determined exactly, but possibly on July 21, 1978, in a yet unidentified Tucumán province, De Benedetti had been executed by personal military belonging to III Army Corps, in a simulated escape attempt.