Monday, February 21, 2011

Initiation Sorority Dresses

Tucumán Córdoba: Videla blame on repression and "annihilation of all political opponents," The Court of Appeals

The Federal Court 1 (TOF1) syndicated Jorge Rafael Videla repressor as the "responsible" for setting objectives and providing the means for the "annihilation of all political opponents of the regime "military by releasing today the foundations of the ruling, along with Luciano Benjamin Menendez, sentenced him to life imprisonment last year in Cordoba.

judges, arguing sentences for 30 defendants, courts held that the facts "were committed as a result of strategic and tactical planning issued by the military leadership" and that "Videla was responsible for setting targets and provide infrastructure and resources for the subsequent chain of command under his orders. "

In this regard, adding that the directive issued Videla 404/75 (Anti-Subversion) with which implemented the "political objective enforcement of activities considered illegal and annihilation of all political opponents of the regime "and of everything that was considered" enemy. "

To carry out the "illegal scheme designed by Videla drew a zoning of the country" and that most detainees were joint provision of the Judiciary and the Executive Branch (PEN), so is "unlikely" to ignore the systematic method was used to kill prisoners who were at his disposal.

Speaking in general about all of the convicted, the judges held in the ruling that all were part of the "organization a comprehensive systematic criminal plan, which, protected by state mechanisms aimed at eliminating political opponents. "

added that within that plan of annihilation fulfilled different roles and tasks within the "illegal repression characterized by discretion and freedom granted by the Junta (Videla) to the heads of area (Menendez), as well as freedom to lower military and police personnel in the various hierarchies and degrees. "

In this context, "it warns there without difficulty, a horizontal level of responsibilities and the existence of conspiracy mediate. They all knew, met, shared positions as members of the Board and jointly planned and ordered the execution of the described criminal plan, "said Jaime Diaz Gavier judges, Carlos Lascano and José María Pérez Villalobos.

As Menéndez responsibilities judged on the facts, between 2 July and 22 December last year involving the death of 31 political prisoners, the court held that "a degree of responsibility shared parallel charges in parity with other area commanders of the country. "

Menéndez, from the role of Head of the Third Corps Army and at the same time, Commander of Area 311, "developed a strict control of the units in charge, gave orders and instructions, created the conditions for that are followed, monitored the results and provided the conditions for the plan annihilation is fully complied by the various departments under his charge. "

Under this legal analysis, the judges concluded that "the facts brought to trial executed as a result of directives and orders issued by Menendez, allowing us to conclude that the acts attributed intervened," noted between salient points the basis of 674 pages long.

In December last year `Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment 'as responsible for the crimes of aggravated torments imposed by the condition of political persecution of the victim (30 events in real competition), first degree murder and treachery plurality of contest participants (29 events in real competition), and torture followed by death (1 fact).

Menéndez received the same punishment for the crime of unlawful deprivation of liberty qualified for being a public servant, aggravated by the use of violence for longer than a month and have been committed to compel the victim to do, not do or condone something that was not required (6 events in real competition).

crimes are added imposition of aggravated torture by the condition of political persecution of the victim (38 events in real competition), qualified by treachery and murder by the plurality of contest participants (30 events in real competition), torture followed by death (1 event) and qualified serious injury (1 fact) all in real competition.

In the same process were also sentenced to life imprisonment the military Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raúl Fierro, Jorge González Navarro, Gustavo Alsina, Pedro Mones Ruiz Miguel Angel Perez, like Carlos Yanicelli police, Miguel Angel Gomez, Luis Lucero, Calixto Flores, Yamil Jabour, Moon and Ramon Marcelo Molina.

Case For Hermes Rodriguez was 12 years, Jose San Julian, 6 years, John Huber, 14 years, Victor Cano Pino, 12 years Hibar Carlos Perez, 10 years; Mirta Anton, 7 years and Fernando Rocha 8.

The favored acquittals Osvaldo Quiroga, Francisco D'Aloia, Cayetano Rocha, Luis Alberto Rodriguez, Jose Paredes, Luis Merlo and Gustavo Salgado.

For the trial process had cumulative causes the death of 31 political prisoners housed in Unit Prison San Martín (UP1), using the `Act` leaks, and the record of kidnapping and torture of a civilian and five members of the then Department of Police Information (D2) in all cases in 1976.


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