Why and for what took ETA decision to halt "offensive military actions"?
The decision lies on the floor of the achievements of many years to the liberation struggle. We have made it impossible for the assimilation of Euskal Herria, and it is clear the importance of political change to meet your needs. Moreover, in the Basque society is sufficiently widespread political nature of the conflict and its resolution, through dialogue and negotiation, will hand the recognition of territoriality and self-determination. Along with this, the nationalist Left has endured the relentless assault by the English and French states, and we believe that resilience has been of great political value.
These achievements have set the next challenge for the liberation struggle: on the road to independence, to carry out political change. Once the challenge is to organize joint forces and the democratic process, which is the political instrument, from the state of denial, to make political change. Our decision was intended to create new conditions to facilitate both tasks.
Moreover, it is clear that there is interest from the international arena on the resolution of political conflict in Euskal Herria, as well as the provision to help overcome the current deadlock. So, our decision is also intended to work the options that may exist in the field of conflict resolution.
Why has announced that decision now?
believe that the challenge has just begun to be built on firm foundations. In that sense, when it was decided, we understood that the role should correspond to the agents who are promoting political change. Having made the decision public after the events of recent months has prevented the passage of ETA is inadequately understood. During these months have remarkable progress. Has begun to take shape the trunk of the critical mass for change. Are braiding new agreements and partnerships. To raise awareness of this decision has wanted to give stability to the distance covered. And he wants to promote the release more forces to push the momentum for the democratic process.
Along with that, he wanted to respond constructively to the public appeal to our organization in the Brussels Declaration.
When entered into force exactly (taking into account that not long ago the Ministry of Interior announced that ETA was to attempt)? Does the end date?
understandably wonder when entered into force, but we have to say that this decision can not be placed on a particular day. After making a deep reflection, a proposal was made, and thereafter, it opened an internal procedure for decision making. In any case, when the English Interior Ministry announced new actions, the decision was made. The English Interior Ministry made those ads with ill intentions, and knew he was lying. The second question we would answer with another question: Is there anyone who wants to have final date? We do not. ETA wants to advance in the way of the resolution with increasing depth, until Euskal Country achieve a true democratic state.
really are "offensive military action" was the subject of comment in the media. What does exactly that decision in the activities of ETA?
The details of the decision already been made public: the Task Forces are ordered to suspend activities were already planned and not offensive military actions. ETA, on the other hand, reserves the right to defend themselves in hypothetical conflicts, the usual tasks of supply and the work necessary to maintain their structure.
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