English media yesterday remarked that one of the police evidence to act against Walter Wendelin Askapena is that recently visited Venezuela, among other things, introducing the resolution `` Euskal Herria Zutik.'' Obviously there is no need to develop a great research to get data like this, well documented in newspapers or on their website and what they demonstrate is exactly the opposite: that Askapena has never hidden his activity, precisely because there is no crime in it.
It also has a long history. In 2007 celebrated its twentieth anniversary. Soon, on October 16, carry out a new edition of Internazionalista Eguna, this time in Gernika. And this year almost a hundred people have returned to travel the world in solidarity brigades Scotland, Palestine, Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay ... Nor has never hidden its drive for Euskal Herriaren Lagunak coordinator, a network of solidarity with the Basque people's grievances has also denounce specific cases like the death of Jon Anza or more recently the case of three young Basques imprisoned in Rome. All this has been accomplished public information.
same thing happened, for example, last June to meet members of Euskal Herriaren Lagunak held in Zarautz. There was talk of the need to "internationalize a conflict resolution that is based on the recognition of Euskal Herria rights that correspond to them as people. " A message that is to become a premonition of the reason for this raid against seven members of Askapena. Although
never been hidden, or precisely why Askapena been the object of increasing criminalization campaign in recent months, already denounced protests last year. One of the last episode was the removal of Wendelin of Caracas and its subsequent retention in the Paris airport. But before the organization's name had appeared in the English media as `` El Pais'', `` The World'', `` The Courier'', `` ABC'', `` Reason'' Antena 3 and TVE,''in `` El Mercurio of Chile or on TV ONE of Colombia, as Askapena branded as' brainwashing campaign. " And then warned that "the slogan of 'everything is ETA' applies to everything, and that is exactly what they are using against Askapena, in the same manner as before made against numerous organizations and popular movements. The new crime is international solidarity among peoples. "
This campaign last year resulted in a case which was reported publicly, the death threats received by a brigade of Askapena of an alleged Colombian paramilitary who phoned him to say "We are the Black Eagles and you are the spokesmen for the FARC in Europe, we walk behind you and we will kill. Will fall. " Needless to say, the episode concerned the organization, but never stopped its international activities. Nor will
now. Askapena today has called for a press conference and yesterday issued a notice of termination of the operation, recalling that these arrests happen to the information they had put "on target." The international body contextualizes this raid on the repressive attacks to attempt to launch a democratic process and called both the Basque as "fighters from around the world and Euskal Herriaren Lagunak to denounce the totalitarian nature of the English state. " And in his web messages were succeeding international force ever since the 'can cut all the flowers, but they can not stop the spring "of Pablo Neruda" After climbing a high mountain, we discovered that there are many to climb " Nelson Mandela.
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