The unity of action in favor of a resolution process with two-stage well-defined pillars of non-violence and political dialogue, it is a fact. Gernika was born yesterday in preparation for accession, so far, 28 politicians, trade union and social Euskal Herria, among which the involvement of five political forces. Were represented at the highest level: Rufi Etxeberria (left nationalist), Pello Urizar (EA), Patxi Zabaleta (Aralar), Oskar Matute (Alternatiba) and Joseba Garai (AB) closed the act of signing the pact. And they did so under a reproduction of `` Guernica''Picasso global symbol of decades of violent conflict in Euskal Herria.
The event was the solemnity that characterizes these occasions, but at the same time was short and simple. After a brief greeting from the Mayor of Gernika, Jose Mari Gorroño (EA), the text was read in Euskara, French, Castilian, respectively, Izaskun Guarrotxena of Feminist Bilgune, Joseba Garai, AB, and Igor Mera, former president of Youth Council of Euskadi. The full title of the document, also in the three languages \u200b\u200bof the country, is this: `` Bake Bidean, aterabide akordioa Demokrati-koen. According to a scenario of peace and democratic solutions. Accord sur démocratique pour des Issues chemin de paix you will.'' In Lizeo Antzokia
, which hosted the event, no further interventions in order to highlight the important thing is the agreement and its content. The presenter did highlight that it is an "important step" but still "much work" to reach the stage of peace and political dialogue which the signatories undertake to promote.
Until yesterday it was unknown who the secondary text. Finally, the Agreement of Gernika starts with 28 signatures, although it is expected that accession will be expanded in the coming days and weeks, given the clarity and forcefulness of the text. Signed it, in that order, Gernika Batzordea, Torturaren Aurkako Taldea (TAT), Iratzarri, Herria 2000 Eliza, Ikasle Abertzaleak, Giza Eskubideen Behatokia, Alternatiba Gaztea, Gazte Independentistak, Gazte Abertzaleak, GaztEHerria, Ezker Soberanista, Euskaria, Euskal Herriak Bere Eskola (EHBE), Etxerat, Bilgune Feminista, Amnistiaren Aldeko Mugimendua, Apaizen Koordinakundea, LAB, Hiru, ESK, ELB, STEE-EILAS, EHNE, la izquierda abertzale, Eusko Alkartasuna (EA), Aralar, Alternatiba y Abertzaleen Batasuna (AB).
Una ovación sostenida cerró el acto, que fue público, no sólo dedicado a los medios. La sala del teatro estaba llena, con decenas de personas también de pie, para presenciar una rúbrica que puede tener gran trascendencia policy in the near future. In fact, it quickly became the first news in the daily editions of the Basque and English.
A resolution setting
The content of the agreement had been advanced the day before, but yesterday was read again at length both by those attending the event as media, which focuses on stress-were two aspects that leftwing nationalist ETA ask a "permanent ceasefire unilaterally and verifiably" and that it has extended the agreement that he reached with EA in June and has been the embryo of the new covenant.
Along with this issue, however, emphasizes the unity of action to claim that the State obtained the repeal of the Political Parties Law, the disappearance of torture or termination of current prison policy, and the parallel adoption of several measures "as a first step on the path to amnesty."
Then, although not in the background, but within a resolution process design, the 28 undersigned organizations call for a process of dialogue and political negotiation based on the Mitchell principles. They state that their goal is "to seek agreement among all cultures inclusive country's policies on the recognition of both the Basque national reality and the right to decide, and respect the democratic will of the people on domestic institutional and legal model, and the type of relationship with the states, including independence. "
Although they may spend more unnoticed, the promoters of this agreement attach importance to other terms, such as the primacy given to the Basque citizens in this agreement. For example, remarks that "the negotiation process to obtain political agreement will be exclusive to the political, and social union." And in the last paragraph reads: "All the principles discussed in this document are made by political organizations, trade unions and social signatories, which is com-promise complied with and to refer them to international actors and work in the activation of the Basque people for their citizenship to endorse, and is positioned as the only guarantor of the evolving process of democratic solution. "
The text was completed to close on Thursday, having been enriched by the contributions of the participants in this process of debate. It was launched jointly by the nationalist left and EA in July, as the development of art LORTU `` agreement''from the venue, and has come to fruition in just two months, which shows the high degree of existing line. Gernika
The stage of the presentation had not been chosen at random, of course. The Mayor of Gernika, Jose Mari Gorroño, undertook to remember that the town symbolizes two things. On the one hand, the mythical tree shows that Euskal Herria is one of the oldest democracies in the world. And second, the tragic bombing of 1937 has become, despite himself, a symbol for peace and human rights. Consequently, hat-not say that the consensus document corresponds perfectly with the global significance of the town.
In fact, the founding text, with the signing of the 28 parties, unions and social partners, will be stored there. Its mayor picked it up proudly. This will closed the event, and thus opened a path marked by the joint commitment.
Full text: Agreement for a scenario of peace and democratic solutions
One year course at a breakneck speed
A "against the self" that will be very difficult to say no
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