Thursday, February 24, 2011

Common Sources Of Errors In Theodolite Work

Another day in the trial against Menendez in

Gerardo Romero, husband of one victim was killed along with four others, which occurred during the last military dictatorship, said that in the house where the attack occurred "had no arms and told the press" of the Third Army Corps.

Romero said today as a witness in the second day of trial to be held in Tucumán by the so called because "Romero Niklison" against the repressive Luciano Benjamin Menendez.

"The Army said there was an armed confrontation, but the place had no arms.'s Companions were directly shot and no defense," said Romero to declare today to the Oral Criminal Tribunal Federal de Tucumán.

The court will seek to determine the liability of the former head of the Third Army Corps, Luciano Benjamin Menendez and the other defendant, former commissioner Heriberto Roberto Albornoz, which occurred on May 20, 1976.

During the story, Romero said that "in the house had no tunnels or weapons or ammunition, there was only a camouflage tank where there were documents, books and magazines were forbidden to read the Argentines at the time."

He recalled that "this day was a political meeting in my house and I went with my daughter Alexandra, who was one year and eight months because she had to meet a friend for a monitoring session that usually did.

"It was a quick meeting, but it took me going back because my partner ran out of gas in the car and took him to a service station to buy fuel, "he said.

" When I got home, a neighbor alerted me that had entered and killed them all. I detoured to see the presence of soldiers and was able to observe from a distance who were ransacking my house. I never got off the car and see if I could move the bodies, "he said.

" I did not see what happened, but the stories I heard it was an execution, no ability to defend them, " added.

The witness said that when she was killed, his wife Maria Romero Niklison was five months pregnant and he decided to send his daughter to Santa Fe, where he was raised by her sister.

also noted that he met his wife when he entered Montoneros militants in the National University de Tucumán.

During the day also said Maria Alejandra Romero Niklison, which acts as a prosecutor in the case and is the daughter of Mary Romero Niklison, one of the victims.

happen He said that the attack was very small but that eventually came to know details of what happened in the story of friends and neighbors.

In the family home, located in the neighborhood Echeverría, the capital of Tucumán, 20 May 1976 Mary Romero Niklison held a meeting with four other militants of the organization Montoneros.

According to the record, joint forces of army and provincial police took by assault the house and, simulating a battle, killed all who were there.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Initiation Sorority Dresses

Tucumán Córdoba: Videla blame on repression and "annihilation of all political opponents," The Court of Appeals

The Federal Court 1 (TOF1) syndicated Jorge Rafael Videla repressor as the "responsible" for setting objectives and providing the means for the "annihilation of all political opponents of the regime "military by releasing today the foundations of the ruling, along with Luciano Benjamin Menendez, sentenced him to life imprisonment last year in Cordoba.

judges, arguing sentences for 30 defendants, courts held that the facts "were committed as a result of strategic and tactical planning issued by the military leadership" and that "Videla was responsible for setting targets and provide infrastructure and resources for the subsequent chain of command under his orders. "

In this regard, adding that the directive issued Videla 404/75 (Anti-Subversion) with which implemented the "political objective enforcement of activities considered illegal and annihilation of all political opponents of the regime "and of everything that was considered" enemy. "

To carry out the "illegal scheme designed by Videla drew a zoning of the country" and that most detainees were joint provision of the Judiciary and the Executive Branch (PEN), so is "unlikely" to ignore the systematic method was used to kill prisoners who were at his disposal.

Speaking in general about all of the convicted, the judges held in the ruling that all were part of the "organization a comprehensive systematic criminal plan, which, protected by state mechanisms aimed at eliminating political opponents. "

added that within that plan of annihilation fulfilled different roles and tasks within the "illegal repression characterized by discretion and freedom granted by the Junta (Videla) to the heads of area (Menendez), as well as freedom to lower military and police personnel in the various hierarchies and degrees. "

In this context, "it warns there without difficulty, a horizontal level of responsibilities and the existence of conspiracy mediate. They all knew, met, shared positions as members of the Board and jointly planned and ordered the execution of the described criminal plan, "said Jaime Diaz Gavier judges, Carlos Lascano and José María Pérez Villalobos.

As Menéndez responsibilities judged on the facts, between 2 July and 22 December last year involving the death of 31 political prisoners, the court held that "a degree of responsibility shared parallel charges in parity with other area commanders of the country. "

Menéndez, from the role of Head of the Third Corps Army and at the same time, Commander of Area 311, "developed a strict control of the units in charge, gave orders and instructions, created the conditions for that are followed, monitored the results and provided the conditions for the plan annihilation is fully complied by the various departments under his charge. "

Under this legal analysis, the judges concluded that "the facts brought to trial executed as a result of directives and orders issued by Menendez, allowing us to conclude that the acts attributed intervened," noted between salient points the basis of 674 pages long.

In December last year `Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment 'as responsible for the crimes of aggravated torments imposed by the condition of political persecution of the victim (30 events in real competition), first degree murder and treachery plurality of contest participants (29 events in real competition), and torture followed by death (1 fact).

Menéndez received the same punishment for the crime of unlawful deprivation of liberty qualified for being a public servant, aggravated by the use of violence for longer than a month and have been committed to compel the victim to do, not do or condone something that was not required (6 events in real competition).

crimes are added imposition of aggravated torture by the condition of political persecution of the victim (38 events in real competition), qualified by treachery and murder by the plurality of contest participants (30 events in real competition), torture followed by death (1 event) and qualified serious injury (1 fact) all in real competition.

In the same process were also sentenced to life imprisonment the military Vincent Meli, Mauricio Poncet, Raúl Fierro, Jorge González Navarro, Gustavo Alsina, Pedro Mones Ruiz Miguel Angel Perez, like Carlos Yanicelli police, Miguel Angel Gomez, Luis Lucero, Calixto Flores, Yamil Jabour, Moon and Ramon Marcelo Molina.

Case For Hermes Rodriguez was 12 years, Jose San Julian, 6 years, John Huber, 14 years, Victor Cano Pino, 12 years Hibar Carlos Perez, 10 years; Mirta Anton, 7 years and Fernando Rocha 8.

The favored acquittals Osvaldo Quiroga, Francisco D'Aloia, Cayetano Rocha, Luis Alberto Rodriguez, Jose Paredes, Luis Merlo and Gustavo Salgado.

For the trial process had cumulative causes the death of 31 political prisoners housed in Unit Prison San Martín (UP1), using the `Act` leaks, and the record of kidnapping and torture of a civilian and five members of the then Department of Police Information (D2) in all cases in 1976.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Do I Change The Vibrate On My Alias 2

benefits two

Where you should be

Roberto Luis Armando Albornoz and Candide were in a common jail for crimes they committed in Tucumán. The first will remain in prison at home, the second was released

Cradle of state terrorism in 1975 with "Operation Independence" dictatorship devastated by Antonio Domingo Bussi, Tucumán not have a single repressor sentenced to prison. Despite the "imminent risk" to witnesses cited by the Federal Court in its ruling last June, when he ordered the genocide serve their sentences in an ordinary prison, the Chamber III of the National Chamber of Criminal Appeal overturned the decision with unusual speed and allowed to leave the prison of Villa Urquiza Robert Heriberto Luis Armando Albornoz and Candide, the only two defendants who were not at home. Tucumán regional children described as "shameful" decision Liliana Catucci, and Angela Mitchell Gustavo Ledesma.

's top criminal court in the nation often take time to confirm judgments in cases involving crimes against humanity. Forty failures in the last five years, Cassation confirmed eleven, of which only three were reviewed by the Supreme Court and are technically "strong." The delay allowed to remain free and will not reconsider the mode of execution of sentence of oppressors who paid large sums to avoid prison, and Jorge Olivera Róvere, Brigadier Caesar Comes and Hippolytus or Colonel Bernardo Mariani Menendez, who has the luxury of a lawyer to defend his comrades in misfortune.

tucumano If the court showed that there is always slow. In July last year, after listening for months to survivors and relatives of victims of the former Police Chief of Tucumán, the local TOF sentenced to life imprisonment Albornoz, the former head of the clandestine center, and 18 years in prison Police De Candido. Because the law allows the benefit of house arrest for those over seventy years (Albornoz was 78 years old, De Candido, 71), the members of the court discussed how compliance of the sentence. Criterion was imposed and Josefina Carlos Jiménez Montilla Curi (Gabriel Casas dissenting vote), to revoke the house arrest of former right hand Bussi and the release of his subordinate. In their case highlighted the history of intimidation of witnesses, both of The Eye Albornoz, who had also violated his house arrest, as De Candido, recognized by the victims as one of the most ferocious of the former Chief torturers.

After seven months of failure and without ruling on the merits of the decision, the Appeals Chamber III decided to roll back the situation at the beginning of the trial, read unlock and lock De Candido in her house robe, who led torture sessions against hundreds of Tucuman. "The interpretation of the rules, especially when it concerns the freedom of individuals or morigeración the place of detention, must be restrictive. To revoke the house arrest or order the detention of an accused must be objective factors that would sustain it there, or to suspect "risk of litigation, which is not present in cars," wrote Catucci, Mitchel and Ledesma. Children

Tucumán expressed its "strongest condemnation" of the resolution and noted that "the strong intention of favor genocidal terrorism responsible for the deplorable state has a history: it was the same House that excarceló Astiz and Tigre Acosta, afford the luxury of solving the forms of execution of punishment without first resolving the merits. " Since the reopening of cases in 2003 occurred in Tucumán only two trials that resulted in five convictions. "A constant delay with Azcuénaga megacauses as Arsenal who has spent years waiting to be elevated to trial-lamented children," adds Cassation's decision to send home to the only two genocide who were serving their sentences in prisons common. Is it righteousness? "

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Giorgio Bresquar Basketball

repressive repressor loses lawyer

The operation to transfer the former head of the Third Army Corps would materialize on Saturday from Cordoba to Tucuman, where he will stay at the home of his son, in Yerba Buena. February 15 will begin to be tried for the shooting of five militants Montoneros occurred in 1976. The repressor was left without counsel, after his lawyer Horacio Guerinau resigned last Friday. "The Eye" Albornoz, the prison to the bench.

At the beginning of February 15 the third public trial against him in Tucumán, the former head of the Third Army Corps, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, would be transferred on Saturday from Cordoba to the province and will stay at the home of his son in Yerba Buena. Menendez

be tried this time for the execution of five political activists of the organization Montoneros occurred on May 20, 1976 in Barrio Echeverría, in the context of the case "Niklison Romero."

By this time is unknown who will be your advocate. It happens that the repressor was left without counsel after he resigned last Friday Guerinau Horacio, who defended him in the first two trials that were conducted in the province and ended with a life sentence to retired military. Oral Court sources said that if in three days does not appoint another lawyer, shall be appointed a public defender office official.

also confirmed that during his stay in the province comply Menendez house arrest in her son's house, located at Yerba Buena. This is because even the judges of the Federal Court did not decide the modality of implementation of the first sentence firm against Menendez, in the context of the case Vargas Aignasse.

who will be transferred daily from the prison of Villa Urquiza in the courtroom will be the retired police officer Heriberto Roberto Albornoz, a former Chief of Police Confidential Information of Tucumán between 1975 and 1978), who meet there the life sentence handed down in the last trial held last year in the province in megacauses Police Headquarters.

Meanwhile, in the place of the Attorney General Leopoldo Peralta debut Palma, who will assume the role on behalf of the Public Prosecutor in the first two trials was in the hands of Alfredo Miguel Terraf, who finalized his retirement pension.

The Tribunal shall consist of judges again by Gabriel Casas, Carlos Jiménez Montilla, incorporating Luis Lopez (santiagueño judge acting as a surrogate).