What if you run out of oil?

chilling story of the oil strike in Venezuela.
I-The first, nothing happens ...
In the first 3 days of the strike, the activities continued as usual, people went to work as usual. Already on Wednesday afternoon (since the strike began on Monday, December 2, 2002) were beginning to notice that the queues for fuel at service stations reached more than 200 meters.
These queues seemed to us eternal. "Poor us Venezuelans, though we knew nothing of what awaited us, after all, lived in Maracaibo, the oil capital of South America and did not know what it was fuel shortages."
II-The situation gets hot ...
As of Friday, December 6, the situation had worsened, with the announcement that the merchant navy joined the strike. For that come queues at service stations reach 2 km away in the main cities. People do not talk about because they simply were dry, the government diverted the fuel to the main cities, in order to avoid disturbances and looting (policy that worked until the situation became more serious). Already
December 15, levels of food were running low on deposit. There being no fuel, no transport is therefore no production of both raw materials and processed products.
queues for fuel both in Caracas and Maracaibo reached record figures of 20 km, as was the rest of the country.
I well remember my father and I took turns to refuel at the station closest to our house. I arrived early at about 7 am to where the car in the queue (after walking 2 or 3 km) to release my father had spent all night standing in line, informing me of the situation, which was usually robbery, or fights for top spot in the queues.
Two nights before that, a tanker of 56,000 liters that was to supply the station, was assaulted by a gang of robbers and killed 2 of the guards, who were National Guardsmen who came to guard the truck and also killed to 3 soldiers who were guarding the bomb, leaving notes that none of the National Guards and soldiers were defenseless, carrying fuses FNFAL
always came a tanker and began to ship, but the joy is vanishing as they passed the first 100 cars (trucks, vans, buses and cars) and all fuel consumed,
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