Saturday, December 30, 2006

Gestione Liquidatoria English Liquidation

Video "Oil Smoke & Mirrows"

subtitled in English

Ephrim Pictures has made a unique film about oil depletion, in which different experts and professionals pour their opinions around this issue.

(Part 1) Taken subtitled Gabriel Tovar

Friday, December 29, 2006

Your Presence Is The Present

(Part 2) Taken subtitled in English by Gabriel Tovar

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Night Owl Optics Noxg2

The "collapse" began on this planet offer their symptoms ago DECE children.

with the policies of the eighties and were evidence that such behavior "forge ahead", or the arrival of the peak in global energy use per capita 1,979, or the energy crisis (2) of those years (is there a causal link?) That, as a track that took us to the future, showed high energy dependence on the developed world in all its facets.

Between 1979 and 1985, a period of great global economic downturn by increasing oil prices, there were no major "collapses", but if the trend of unemployment, economic crisis, etc. had continued for another decade, the thing would have led to a full-scale collapse.

Prior to that time had he said about the exponential population growth ... "the battle for feed all humanity is lost. In the seventies, the world will undergo famines hundreds of millions of people will die of starvation ... "(Paul Ehrlich, Population Bomb," good "best-seller). Lester Brown, better known by CE, repeated warnings in 1990 in the book The Population Explosion, despite Ehrlich's predictions did not happen.

Based on new evidence of declining fertility, the UN projected that in 2050 the world population will be 9,000 million us (twenty years ago was 11,000 million). After 2050 will remain below 11,500.

Serious studies predict the earth's capacity to support future population, was estimated from a low of 1,000 million on a study of 1,970 to a maximum of 1,022 million according to another study in 1967. Other studies in 1994 said that the range was from less than 5,500 million to a maximum of 44,000 million. But the most recent estimates are between 10,000 and 14,000 million.

To continue reading this document, click here: % 20EJEMPLO


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Buy Reader's Edge Software

Video informative peak oil

informative Video in mpg format, on the exhaustion of world oil production and its implications for humanity.
Made by Edgar Ocampo of Mexico.

Taken from


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hemroids On Your Taint

What if you run out of oil?
chilling story of the oil strike in Venezuela.

I-The first, nothing happens ...

In the first 3 days of the strike, the activities continued as usual, people went to work as usual. Already on Wednesday afternoon (since the strike began on Monday, December 2, 2002) were beginning to notice that the queues for fuel at service stations reached more than 200 meters.

These queues seemed to us eternal. "Poor us Venezuelans, though we knew nothing of what awaited us, after all, lived in Maracaibo, the oil capital of South America and did not know what it was fuel shortages."

II-The situation gets hot ...

As of Friday, December 6, the situation had worsened, with the announcement that the merchant navy joined the strike. For that come queues at service stations reach 2 km away in the main cities. People do not talk about because they simply were dry, the government diverted the fuel to the main cities, in order to avoid disturbances and looting (policy that worked until the situation became more serious). Already

December 15, levels of food were running low on deposit. There being no fuel, no transport is therefore no production of both raw materials and processed products.
queues for fuel both in Caracas and Maracaibo reached record figures of 20 km, as was the rest of the country.

I well remember my father and I took turns to refuel at the station closest to our house. I arrived early at about 7 am to where the car in the queue (after walking 2 or 3 km) to release my father had spent all night standing in line, informing me of the situation, which was usually robbery, or fights for top spot in the queues.

Two nights before that, a tanker of 56,000 liters that was to supply the station, was assaulted by a gang of robbers and killed 2 of the guards, who were National Guardsmen who came to guard the truck and also killed to 3 soldiers who were guarding the bomb, leaving notes that none of the National Guards and soldiers were defenseless, carrying fuses FNFAL

always came a tanker and began to ship, but the joy is vanishing as they passed the first 100 cars (trucks, vans, buses and cars) and all fuel consumed,

... To continue reading this story see here:


Friday, September 8, 2006

Tricher Dans Gpsphone


offer this video documentary,

formats "mpg" for windows media player,
divided into 5 parts for downloading internet.


This video documentary looks at some aspects of global oil production, global supply of energy, peak production, the countries in which oil output declines, reducing the size of discoveries in the world, spreading the energy problem and the role of alternative energy. Part Part Part Three

Part IV http : / / / files / Final CrisisEnergetica_Fin.mpg

Global Energy Crisis 1st part
Global Energy Crisis

2nd part

Global Energy Crisis
3rd party Global Energy Crisis

4th part

for more information

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Acrostic Poem Blank Templates

On the capacity of renewable ...

As ofuentes renewable resources alternative energy, without exception, from the Sun, and Sun has not created a reservoir with an energy density even remotely comparable to that of the fossils .. .

comparison, the energy obtained from any means other than oil in real time, is simply ridiculous, and unable to practice of avoiding the problem of depletion of fossil resources.

written by "Pillao" in Forums

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Redkin Convertion Charts

Oil, Success and purpose of humanity. ..

By Edgar Ocampo.
Mexico, December 2006

Oil is the highest energy component on which society modern, has based the development of its economy in the last 60 years. There

naturally, any substance that has energetic qualities similar to those of oil, or that has the same facilities for storage and transportation.

Above all, it exists in the world, an element that has the physical properties of oil, to be benefited so versatile and with such a variety of applications.
Such is our dependence on petroleum based energy, that today there is no human activity that does not involve the use of this resource to be achievable ...
To continue reading this article, click here:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Musical Notes For Emptyframes By Neyo

When the oil runs out, part 1 ...



Monday, July 17, 2006

Ambulance Services Mission Statements

When the oil runs out, part 2



Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Witty Things To Write On A Birthday Cake

Balance of world oil production.

oil exporting countries, grouped in OPEC, boast on its website, to own 78% of all world's proven reserves. However, only produce 30 million barrels a day, which is so only 35% of the total world production.

The contribution of other countries outside of OPEC represents 65% of total world capacity, and is 55 million barrels a day. This chart shows the huge disparity that exists in the global supply of oil from countries that account for the largest amount of reserves in the world.

Why can not raise its production by OPEC members, as indicated by the oil minister of Qatar, did not have such reservations really?.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Frankenstein Quotes Show Victor

Fall production of oil

U.S. .

(Source: magazine publisher Vanguardia Dossier.)
